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Freebird's Maintance Day 2011


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As a relatively new Venture rider.... what happens at the maintenance days?

LOL - and don't say "maintenance"...

They have been known to go 'Pond Monster' hunting....water bucket dodging....telling tall tales....and they might do a little maintence on some bikes. Then if there's any time left some go for a ride. It's an all around premier weekend at Freebird's Palace. I hope I can make it.

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I think Memorial weekend would be better for those who live farther away. Ride in on Friday, stay and play Saturday and Sunday, ride home Monday.


Not long enough for us westerners. Would like to attend but the distance is an issue. Should have a MD out west. Thanks and my turn to shut up!!!!

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OK folks...though it was my preference, I'm taking Memorial weekend off the table. Marcarl has held his event almost as long as I've held mine and I don't want to interfere with that. Plus, I've learned that there are a number of high school and college graduations that weekend. I'm now really leaning towards June 4th.

Those of us traveling long distances and who have little vacation time would have appreciated the "free day". Could you please remove the reference to Memorial Day from the initial post, so we don't get our hopes up? Or maybe strike it out so it remains, but is clearly not available?


It seems possible that with the free day, if I have vacation time then the 4th would be best. Get up that way Memorial Day weekend, putter around my folks in MI that week, and hit Maintenance Day on the way home. Could maybe breakfast with y'all on the 4th before having to pull out.



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June 4th is OKie-Dokie for me as well and it's also my birthday! I might just wear my B-day suit that day......................:banana::banana::banana::8::8::8::8:





you know the rules....PICTURES!!!!





Then again...maybe not!!:doh:



Whatever the date....I WANT TO BE THERE and will if at all possible.

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I've had a few emails asking for the dates of my 2011 Maintenance Day in Oberlin, OH. So, I'm going to throw out a couple of dates for your discussion.


May 28th is one choice. That is Memorial Day weekend. The good news is that it would give many people an extra day to get back home. There may be some who do other things on Memorial Day weekend though. Your thoughts?


The next choices would be either the previous weekend, May 21st or the following weekend, June 4th.


My first preference would be Memorial Day weekend as it gives me an extra day to get things somewhat organized again before going back to work.


This is open for discussion for a couple of days and then I'll pull the trigger and set the date.


If the 28th works for you that is when you should have it! You are kind enough to put your life on hold every year for us to invade your home. If folks can't understand that tough. No way you are going to please everyone with any date you pick, so please yourself! Hope you save a spot for a Mustang convertible.


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Guest scarylarry
If the 28th works for you that is when you should have it! You are kind enough to put your life on hold every year for us to invade your home. If folks can't understand that tough. No way you are going to please everyone with any date you pick, so please yourself! Hope you save a spot for a Mustang convertible.



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Yup, I'll never make Iron Butt, More like marshmallow butt.

It looks like around a 400 mile ride for you---If your not use to it, I suggest you start riding next spring ASAP, maybe a gel pad from walmart also. :stickpoke: Or a pillow to sit on when you arrive:duck: :crackup: Hope to see you there. :thumbsup:

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