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I've had a few emails asking for the dates of my 2011 Maintenance Day in Oberlin, OH. So, I'm going to throw out a couple of dates for your discussion.


May 28th is one choice. That is Memorial Day weekend. The good news is that it would give many people an extra day to get back home. There may be some who do other things on Memorial Day weekend though. Your thoughts?


The next choices would be either the previous weekend, May 21st or the following weekend, June 4th.


My first preference would be Memorial Day weekend as it gives me an extra day to get things somewhat organized again before going back to work.


This is open for discussion for a couple of days and then I'll pull the trigger and set the date.

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Memorial Day weekend is graduation for my son, personally the 4th would be a better choice. I'd hate to miss another MD!




I'm also good with whatever weekend is chosen. Do what is best for you I would say. No matter which day is picked there's going to be people who can't make it that want to. Those traveling from long distances will also benifit from the extra day as you noted.



Ya, well, this again,,,,, but if it needs to be then it needs to be,,, maybe we'll do something different.

Marcarl's VentureIn is traditionally on Memorial Day weekend,,,,,, 'cause when we started, FreeBird's Maintenance Day was at the end of April, so that made a nice spread between the two,,,, now it's back to back, or, you are suggesting the same day,,,,,, maybe I could incorporate MD into Marcarl's,,, we all leave our place at 1 pm and ride to Oberlin to make sure that everything got repaired as it should be,,,, would make a nice ride, I would not have to lay out a new route, we could have dinner at Freebird's,,, problems all solved???!!!???:happy65::stirthepot::confused:

I think the problem is that we get together tooo often,, now why don't I just shut up!!!!!!



I'll talk to Marca about this,,,, she comes up with good ideas,, sometimes,,,, and she might just have one hidden that I haven't heard yet.


May 28th is one choice.

The next choices would be either the previous weekend, May 21st or the following weekend, June 4th.

My first preference would be Memorial Day weekend.

FYI, good or bad, May 21st is the Canadian long weekend, but it makes no difference to me; Ontario riders can easily make it home on the Sunday of any weekend you choose.

AND as EVERYONE knows, I just want YOU, Mr. Freebird, to have an easy going, relaxing, stress free weekend which ever one you choose! I'm only there to get my hands dirty helping everyone out with their maintenance jobs!



I think Memorial weekend would be better for those who live farther away. Ride in on Friday, stay and play Saturday and Sunday, ride home Monday.


Memorial Day for Maintenance Day would be good


But will E-Fish-n-ceee be thawed out by then it seems mighty early for him:big-grin-emoticon:


May 28th is one choice. That is Memorial Day weekend. The good news is that it would give many people an extra day to get back home. There may be some who do other things on Memorial Day weekend though. Your thoughts?


The next choices would be either the previous weekend, May 21st or the following weekend, June 4th.


My first preference would be Memorial Day weekend as it gives me an extra day to get things somewhat organized again before going back to work.


This is open for discussion for a couple of days and then I'll pull the trigger and set the date.


Not sure if anyone noticed, but here is Annie's schedule that she wrote > My bike is booked, and deposit paid http://venturerider.org/forum/images/smilies/happy34.gif We went to see a travel agent the other day, and she suggested waiting to see if there are any deals going at end of year, or just after Christmas. Our rough itinerary at the moment is:


25th May 2011: Fly to San Francisco

26th: Local flight to Cleveland -- hire car and drive to Oberlin.

26th May to 30th June: Freebirds MD?? That way we are there for last weekend in May, or any weekend in June and we can work in with his time, then we can tour a little in car for rest of time.

1st to 13th July:???????????????? Make our way to Portland

14th: Pick up bike in Portland (purchase trailer)** Buy used cruiser for Alan to ride (hopefully on buy-back deal)**-- and head for International Rally in Cody!!!!

After rally we head off ?? to tour and catch up with as many VR members as we can.

Back in Portland by 10-11th September (prepare bike for shipping) leave trailer for VR.org to raffle.

Fly home ?? 14th September 2011.


If you set the date for the 21st Don I can't protect you from Annie. :yikes: She will be soooooo, PO'ed. :whistling: You're on your own there boss!! :buttkick:




You might finely have to meet me then :whistling:if it was on a 3 day weekend to get there and back, maybe Mike,Bryan And I could ride down together then.:scratchchin:


may 21st my daughters wedding day up in MN

anytime after that is fair game for me... lord willing im going to get there again .

and i will not ask the boss for directions on how to get back home..

some pepole should never leave there maps on the passenger seat doing 75 mph with the windows open:doh:


Well they do maintenance and lots and lots of BS. It's a social event Don has the event catered. You can learn stuff to do to your bike like maintenance stuff or adding something you see on someone elses bike. It's great for seeing the stuff others have done to their bikes as well. This coming year we'll have Aussie Annie and her hubby Quickstep coming from Australia as well as Starfan and his wife from Iceland. You'll have a great time so you should plan on coming.




Americade is the first week of June that many go to...I rather see it before the Americade than during that week!


I would be able to make it this year with the three to four holiday I can get the extra day to just travel and relax!


Again as I am reading, IT IS WHAT YOU ARE MORE COMFORTABLE IN DOING IT. Our feed backs are just that, but you have the final say!


Hail to the BOSS!


OK folks...though it was my preference, I'm taking Memorial weekend off the table. Marcarl has held his event almost as long as I've held mine and I don't want to interfere with that. Plus, I've learned that there are a number of high school and college graduations that weekend. I'm now really leaning towards June 4th.

As a relatively new Venture rider.... what happens at the maintenance days?

LOL - and don't say "maintenance"...


You will really be surprised. A LOT of maintenance actually does happen. :) A lot of just visiting and eating too but we actually get a lot of work done.

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