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And along came a spider..........


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I had a few minutes of slack time today so I thought I'd go over some invoices. Parked my butt at my desk and was sorting things out and I noticed a movement coming towards me on the desk top.


Stop...look again.....yep.....spider.....big one. Weird looking. Nothing new really, get them all the time. But this one looked a bit different. So I parked coffee cup over it and got a container. Slipped a piece of paper under the cup and went to flip in into the plastic container. All Heck broke loose when I dropped it in. I thought the dang thing blew up.


Well......it didn't. It was female Wolf spider with a full load of lil ones......over a hundered of them as close as I can tell. Quick lil devils. I catch Wolf spiders all the time. I keep them in a 20 gallon tank and feed them crickets. If you have ever had a spider problem in your home......catch a Wolf and keep it fed. Any other spider will vacate the location el pronto!!


But since I know everybody LOVES spiders.....here are a few pics of the lil sweety. Oh...and that is an 8" container. So...it's not a lil spider. LOL!


Remember to show your wife or girlfriend. Entertainment value. Yes it is.

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Great photos! Heck of a macro lens u got there.


Spiders are cool. My girls thought so too for the first 8 or so years of their life, then they became creepy. The spiders, not my girls...


I frequently catch spiders, even the big ones by hand and set them free outside. They odd funny crawling around your hand.


Btw, wolf spiders can inflict nasty bites too, see here.



My fav is probably the yellow argiope.

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I used to keep tarantula's. I had 4 or 5 at one time. time became an issue so I began giving them to the kid's schools along with the information and paraphenalia / cages.


it was fun and i do miss keeping them. I used to have boas also. nature is so entertaining and entrigueing. got my start in boy scouts.


time, just need more time.

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My favorite spider is the flat DEAD type !!


In that state color is not important at all. Hornet and wasp spray is a wealthy tool when they try to get away.





In case you didn't pick up on it - I HAVE NO USE FOR SPIDERS




ahhh.....could you please clarify your stand on spiders?

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I've had my run-ins with tarantula's at work also. They seem to like to travel in the shipments of bananas. I had the produce manager call me down one day and he was pointing to a box of bananas on the floor from about 10 feet away. Right on top was a dead tarantula. I lifted it out and laid it on his desk and took a look at it. I could see two puncture marks on back of the body. It didn't die from old age shall I say.


By that time I had a pretty good group of co-workers hanging over my shoulder. I made the comment that it was probably killed by a larger tarantula during the shipment. I stood up and looked around and I was alone......all alone.


Didn't get a lot of foot traffic through the warehouse for a few days.


It's a spider folks............:doh:

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