greg_in_london Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 Hopefully we're all big enough to put up with a few comments. The OP was thinking whether to raise something that his morals/scruples/safety views made him feel was important with the club he rides with and thought he'd get a few suggestions first. That sounds fine to me - although some have said forcibly the things that might be said when you raise these things in person.
V7Goose Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 (edited) Could you "flamers" show me exactly where he wants to impose the no drinking rule on this organization? He mentioned a group he rides with and asked if anyone belonged to a club that had no drinking policy. I am not finding where he mentioned this group. And you wonder why there are so many lurkers who don't ask questions or participate in disussions. So much for the "largest and friendliest Venture and Royal Star site on the internet" crapola. Jerry, all you need to do as read his second paragraph - set apart all by itself so you couldn't possibly miss it (?). "I am thinking of suggesting that the Club adopt a strict "No alcohol while riding" policy." He asked for suggestions - I gave him a simple one: live by your own values and stay away from other people if you do not like theirs. He responded with a clear statement that he did not understand what I said, so I explained it in detail. You may call that a "flame", but I do not. I think it is very wrong for people to try to impose their values on others. But that does not mean I disagree with a discussion of those values. In fact, I think it is very important that someone who is concerned with things being done in a group to which they want to associate to voice those concerns and be willing to actually listen to the responses they get. In this case, I would strongly suggest that Panjandrum bring up his concerns with the group so that they know how he feels, but that is NOT the same as trying to impose a new rule on them. I do hope he is honest with them though, and that he says just what he posted here - that he is concerned that some of them are either incapable of deciding what is appropriate to drink or do not have the ability to control how much they drink. You cannot have an honest discussion unless you are willing to be honest about your feelings. Goose Edited September 22, 2010 by V7Goose
jrcain32 Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 The group I ride mostly with has one rule: NO DRINKING WHILE RIDING! (You must come to a complete stop.)
t_hole Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 The group I ride mostly with has one rule: NO DRINKING WHILE RIDING! (You must come to a complete stop.) Drinking while riding is ALWAYS a bad idea....hit a bump and you could spill it all over yourself. I can usually wait until I get to the bar.
Shamue Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 For myself, I don't drink and ride, but do ride with a few that do. Most have a beer or two during a long lunch break or sight seeing stop. But, I have confronted one or two that have had to much to drink. I advised them they ride in front and if they cause a crash or wreck do to their impaired state, I will be there to put the pieces in a zip lock baggie. Seamed to hit home with the problem drinkers when they ride with me. My personal view has always been to let adults seek their own boundries. I'm not for having my views control other peoples behavior, the government is alredy attempting to do that and is doing that evey day. So it comes down to ME. Do I want to ride with drinkers, speeders, racers today or go my own way. A everyone I ride with understands my positions and I understand theirs, so we ride together having a great time. Thanks.
E-Fishin-C Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 Lunch stop or visiting friends.......1 beer if its more its a sleepover At Don's Maintenance's a different story
91nwl Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 One of my favorite parts of a great day of riding is that cold beer at the end. But, I never drink and ride. I don't care what others do, but I wouldn't make a habit of riding with a group where people drink and ride. Come to think of it, I don't like riding in groups anyway. BTW, after one of my best days of riding, Zion, Bryce, etc., I stopped for the day in Green River, UT, hot and beat, went into the restaurant at the motel, ordered a beer...which I had been thinking about for the last couple of hours...and the waitress said, sorry, we don't serve alcohol (what th' he__, beer is considered alcohol?). I had to drink iced tea. After dinner, there was another guy there on a bike and he had picked up a 6-pack which we shared in the parking lot, so all was not lost.
a1bummer Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 DOWN WITH CONFORMITY! Everybody has a different idea of what is ethical or moral. Yet we always have someone trying to force THEIR idea of what is ethical or moral onto everyone else. We as a people need to get over ourselves. "Live and let live". "Each to his own". Yet we must not forget the golden rule. Do onto others as you would have done onto yourself. I was gonna go on a group ride this summer for a charity. But they insisted that everyone has to wear a helmet. So I didn't join their little ride. It should be MY choice, not THEIRS! I myself can get squirly or obnoxious with or without any help from alcohol. I've always managed to stay under the radar and never have had any alcohol related troubles. That being said, I had been limiting myself to about one beverage per hour. And in doing so I felt I was well under the limit. Then I had an opportunity to try a brethalizer and find out for sure. I blew a .093. The new limit here in WI. is .08. I wasn't even feeling a buzz. I was amazed. Now I stick to one beverage to every 1.25-1.5 hours if I'm riding or driving. If you don't like others having a couple drinks during a ride, then don't ride with them. You should be more worried about the smokers. Data shows that more people have been killed or made to suffer due to smoking than alcohol or not wearing helmets, and several others combined.
Guest scarylarry Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 The group I ride mostly with has one rule: NO DRINKING WHILE RIDING! (You must come to a complete stop.) I wouldn't ride with your group, ya'll might not stop soon enough and hot beer sucks..
Sailor Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 I enjoy a pint with my lunch. That does not mean I get drunk, it takes a lot more than that. If I have been seriously drinking...3 or more in a short hour, then I don't ride or drive. One of the motorcycle mags set up a test with a slalom course then had some of their staff drink measured amounts over a couple hours. They would have a drink then ride the course then have another drink. It was interesting as a couple guys showed the effects after just 2 drinks while others needed 4 to show any effect. The exception was one guy who got faster and smoother the more he drank. I think it just shows how drink affects everyone differently and you have to realize your own limits and stay within them. No one else should be able to set your limits for you.
Rocket Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 Any thoughts or suggestions? Cheers! For those that, may possibly travel into B.C. Canada. You should know about this. Note the B.A.C. levels & this is roadside, when pulled over.
SilvrT Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 For those that, may possibly travel into B.C. Canada. You should know about this. Note the B.A.C. levels & this is roadside, when pulled over. yep... they're really getting strict around here....and it's about time I say. Frankly, I cannot afford to loose my D/L or do anything that will jeopardize my good driving record so, I am now limiting myself to 1 drink and not driving for at least an hour afterwards. Anything more than that and driving is out of the question.
Squeeze Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 Well, what about "sans Alcohol" in US and Canada ?? I won't drink and ride (or drive) but one Beer with out Alcohol at a Meet&Eat is Ok for me.
dray Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 Lunch stop or visiting friends.......1 beer if its more its a sleepover At Don's Maintenance's a different story Glad you cleared this up !!!
Cruser Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 I try to always practice the three B's!! Bikes, Babe's and Beer, I don't usually mess up the order!
SilvrT Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 I try to always practice the three B's!! Bikes, Babe's and Beer, I don't usually mess up the order! you should... Babes generally look better AFTER Beer
painterman67 Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 for me it doesnt matter if Im in a cage or on 2 whells. No alcohol for me.Im the one who get drunk sniffing the top/cap. After they are parked its all good. Now as a friend and brother to the ones I ride with I do feel its my job as both to say hey youve had enough. Ive had too many loved ones hurt or dead because of drinking and driving. my half sister by blood is in a wheel chair with her left arm missing and her right leg missing. I dont presuume myself better or worse than anyone else. Just a conserned friend. Now if they dont think Im wright I back off.maybey I am wrong . On a few times I have been wrong and after the tempers fell we talked it out. Im not the one to kill the party, but I want be the one to kill a friend because Im not willing to loose that friend by speaking up. Ok nuff said by me and hope no toes were stepped on as if it was any of you out there and I was beside you and I didnt think you were safe to ride /drive / and in some cases walk I would say so. So now with that said I think Ill go make a white russian and add a shot of butterscotch snops. later all david
Tom Posted September 23, 2010 Posted September 23, 2010 I have been known to partake in a Margarita or 2 after a good days ride...If I drink a beer while Im on the road riding I get to sleepy. Give me several margaritas,Jalepenos and Hot dancin girls and Im Ok for the night! (Hope Debby dont read this!)
midnightventure Posted September 23, 2010 Posted September 23, 2010 My Dad had a serious alcohol problem before I was old enough to remember it. Then one saturday when I was abou 12 he came home drunk and abusive. If I had grown up with it, it probably would not have made such an impression on me. Then when I was 21 I was called to the police station because he had gotten into a bar fight and stabbed a guy. After that he finally quit drinking again but it was already to late. He died from liver disease a few years later. I went through the drinking thing in my late teens but about as quick as I turned 21 the fun went out of it. I got involved with the local Freedom of the Road Riders for a while but their idea of a ride was 3 miles to a bar and then 3 miles to another bar. Not my idea of motorcyle riding. I would spend my time playing pool. I would rathe do 300 miles in the hills of southern Mo and northern Ar than to spend my time doing that type of riding.
BEER30 Posted September 23, 2010 Posted September 23, 2010 Honestly , the wife says I drive better after a beer or 2. And I say I look better as well ! Guess everyone needs to warn the OP of the BEERCART I pull behind the scoot ! There's usually a case or 2 in it ! LOL !!!!!!!! Where's Starbog ? Better yet , this family we have here really looks after one another, especially when we ride together. I know that any one of us will voice our concerns and use proper judgment when or if the time comes that ones safety might come into jeopardy. Man I love you guys ! Group HUG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BEER30
Yammer Dan Posted September 23, 2010 Posted September 23, 2010 To each his own in this. I used to leave the clubhouse and they would know I was ok if they heard that Pan start and go. If not I would come back in and ask " Somebody come and hold this SOB up til I can get it started." Sure sign I was totaled. Somebody would usually hold it up and I made it home most of the time. I rarely will drink 1 beer now when riding. And it is Unleaded if I can find it. Alcohol and Bikes do not mix in my opinion.
bryan52577 Posted September 23, 2010 Posted September 23, 2010 If we are with a group and we stop for an hour lunch and a few have 1 or 2 beers No problem. If we stop in an hour and the same have another 2 beers? If we stop in another hour and they have another 2 . We stay put, for a bit. They tend to ride from one stop to the next at 80 to 90 on 2 lane 55mph roads. Ah yes the mighty "Poker rides" for charity of all things! Was Sargent of arms / head of security. NO I didn't try to STOP the drinking. I tried to stop the 80 to 90mph to the next stop. Got kicked out for trying to save a life or two. So now we don't ride with them. Still have friends there, but then I am more forgiving than Mama. We tend to enjoy the RIDE not the buzz. Am I against drinking? Heck NO I drink myself. Do I say anything to someone that IS acting impaired? YES! Do I care if they get pi$$ed? NO, it just may be my kid or yours that got their life saved. OK that was my Bryan
Evan Posted September 23, 2010 Posted September 23, 2010 I have read every post in response to the initial post by Panjamdrum that started this thread. On reflection, I consider my comments on my own drinking habits and preferences to miss some of the main points contained in this thread. In my view, one of the main points is the substance of Goose's comments which I will not repeat or try to express more diplomatically, although I do support his comments. The other key point (again from my perspective) was the comment made by Rick (SilvrT) which was: "I do not see this ( as a "club" but rather, a group of folks who've joined into an on-line forum because of a few commonalities. We ride a motorcycle and moreover, we ride a Venture. We have various "get-togethers" and rallys but as yet, we are not a "club" as other clubs go." --- then he goes on to say: --- "The minute it becomes a club, with "rules and regulations", etc, etc... that will be the day I depart." I have always struggled in finding words to describe this great forum to others as it does feel like a club, and Rick's comment sure helps me. With that said, I would suggest that any concerns about drinking (eg. having a beer with lunch or concerns over excessive drinking) are best addressed by and among those who choose to ride together on any given occasion. Evan
Jerry W Posted September 23, 2010 Posted September 23, 2010 Jerry, all you need to do as read his second paragraph - set apart all by itself so you couldn't possibly miss it (?). "I am thinking of suggesting that the Club adopt a strict "No alcohol while riding" policy." He asked for suggestions - I gave him a simple one: live by your own values and stay away from other people if you do not like theirs. He responded with a clear statement that he did not understand what I said, so I explained it in detail. You may call that a "flame", but I do not. I think it is very wrong for people to try to impose their values on others. But that does not mean I disagree with a discussion of those values. In fact, I think it is very important that someone who is concerned with things being done in a group to which they want to associate to voice those concerns and be willing to actually listen to the responses they get. In this case, I would strongly suggest that Panjandrum bring up his concerns with the group so that they know how he feels, but that is NOT the same as trying to impose a new rule on them. I do hope he is honest with them though, and that he says just what he posted here - that he is concerned that some of them are either incapable of deciding what is appropriate to drink or do not have the ability to control how much they drink. You cannot have an honest discussion unless you are willing to be honest about your feelings. Goose Well Goose, Does he mean this group or the one he rides with? What makes you so sure he is refering to this club? Read the 1st & 2nd paragraph. I took it to mean the club he actually rides with.
autopilot Posted September 23, 2010 Posted September 23, 2010 I will on occasion have one beer with a meal if I'm out with the bike. I generally ride alone (for a number of reasons) so it's no big deal for anybody else. (just as well as I get pretty gassy when I drink beer and I wouldn't want to hurt anyones feelings or paint). I will not ride with anyone who smokes weed. I don't like blasting down the interstate at 20 MPH with anybody!!! As "bikers"; as "refined" as we are, we are opinionated and at last check, pretty decisive! So, I would presume that means that we are not dependent on what someone elses opinion is to either form or justify our own! Individually, we each know our preferences and our choices. I would go further by saying that if anyone here did NOT know what their options were, they probably ought to consider walking. All that said, maybe a better question would be: Would I ride with someone who had excellent self control and knew their own limitations or not? ............Naaaaaaaaah!
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