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the best kool aid i ever had


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today i was out for a small ride on the bike.

well turns out its the toys for tots ride today in and around my town.

no i wasent in it. i was just out for a ride. i spotted a little girl selling kool aid on the road the bikes where going down.. of course they couldnt stop. planned route and police leading the way.. so i went around the block and pulled in to the parking lot next to where this girl was selling her koolaid.. i took off my helmet walked over and said how,s it going little one. she said MR biker sir. i have not sold any.i said how much i will take a large glass she said sir its 50 cents. i said i will take 2. she said 2 why 2? i said one for you and one for me. i gave her my dollar. and talked to her some more.

then she began to cry.. i said why you crying? she said sir my mommy was crying today. its the first time i saw my mommy cry. i said oh . she said yes my mommy told me she lost her job yesterday and things are going to be hard for us but we will make it through. so i told mommy i will help. and she helped me set up this stand. i thought with all the bikers comming through i could make some money.. see every sunday mommy would take me to mcdonalds for a happy meal. its our special girls day out.

and i wanted to give santa my list this year.

well that brought a hard lump to my throat.

so i thanked her and said im sure santa will know. about your mommy and things will work out. then off i went. i drove straight up to mcdonalds

and got 20 dollars in gift coupons. i never thought twice about it. i went back. to see the girl and her mom putting away the stand. i asked her mom to come over and i said to her and her daughter. santa sent this as a early present. and he would like you to call this special number to give him her list.. its a number to a friend of mine in the marine corps toys for children. he said he will make it a special request for this child. so this child now has at least one special day at mcdonalds with her mommy. and soon will have a nice christmas when it comes. like i said best koolaid i ever had ..:fatsmiley:

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i found out this woman worked for JC whitney here in Lasalle IL

worked in the ware house and shipping for over 9 years. seems good old JC whitney is selling out to another company??? and of course they are going to down size.

i allways say if it aint broke dont fix it..

i guess i was raised by a good mother. taught me to give. even if i dont have that much to give. $20 bucks could by me a full tank of gas in the bike and a little joy for the day.

what i gave that single mom and her daughter was priceless.

and who knows that could have been and angel testing me???

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and you are the unselfish individual that notice who is around you! God Bless you and Keep up your kindness...as it is said what you give or do will come back ten folds!

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