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another 2nd gear question

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While I'm waiting on my coolant bypass-valve parts, Ill ask a question on another wore-out topic. Wasn't the 2nd gear issue on 1st gens fixed under a factory recall in the 80's, or under an extended warranty for that particular issue ? Or did the bike have to actually be experiencing the problem before they would fix it ? If it has been fixed in the past, is there any way at all to tell ?


I bought my 83' about 8 years ago and am approaching 100k miles, fairly rigorous miles, most of them by me, and the tranny is as solid today as it was when I got it with 41k on it, so I am thinking that maybe 2nd gear was already done years ago by owner #1. Owner #2 only had it for a couple of years before selling it to me. He knew owner #1 and said that #1 had everything done on it by the dealer since day-one in 1983, even all his oil changes and tires, etc.... I am owner #3.


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I seem to remenber a Post a long Time ago, where the Member said, if the 2nd Gear was fixed by the Dealer, they marked the Engine with a Center Punch near the Engine Number, which is located on left rear End of the Motor, above the Output Shaft.

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I was also wondering if there was something that would show if the fix has been done or not. Currently looking for a 1st gen myself.


I've heard of the punch mark, but have never seen one, nor know of anyone who ever has... So it just might be folk lore. Anything from #1417 and over in '85 will have the upgraded tranny. 1stGen trannys were fixed under warantee when they failed by Y. Whether they fixed any others under a recall might also be folk lore. If I had bought a new '83 or '84 I would have certainly had it fixed, and with the number that keep failing it seems either a lot of owners didn't care, or it was a well guarded secret at the time.

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I have read before about vin punch marks for dealer/factory mods, don't remember where. One was for stator oil control/overheating/burning out mod.


I have no marks near vin on motor, but I do have 3 marks on lower right bar vin label on my 83strd1200.

one on first character "J",

one on last zero in first group (circular punch mark)

and one between last digits 1&2.


Not sure what, if anything, these marks really mean,:think: but would be intersting if others have simular marks.

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There aren't any such punch marks on this one. I heard about the punch marks on the other forum years ago when I was at about 70k miles. I am actually just shy of 95k miles, pretty hard miles, hence "approaching" 100k. I kind of wonder since the original owner had it for the first 17 years or so of it's life and he had it into the dealer every time he turned around for everything, for all of his routine maintenance, all of his oil changes and all that time if they may have done it on a recall or something for him but I guess there's no real way to tell other than it hasn't happened yet. Sure hope it stays that way another 10 years for me since something serious like that is the only thing that would make me part with it. I'll try not to worry about it again until I hit 120k. !

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Showing my age a little, I've been riding Ventures since they came out in 83. Back then I lived in Chicago. Yamaha was only repairing the ones that actually failed. And the dealerships were instructed to mark them with a punch mark. Right above the middle gear cover, on the engine case, there are two round machined flat spots. The mechanic was instructed to put a punch mark on the left one. I own an early 84 that has the punch mark.

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Showing my age a little, I've been riding Ventures since they came out in 83. Back then I lived in Chicago. Yamaha was only repairing the ones that actually failed. And the dealerships were instructed to mark them with a punch mark. Right above the middle gear cover, on the engine case, there are two round machined flat spots. The mechanic was instructed to put a punch mark on the left one. I own an early 84 that has the punch mark.


OK, we need a picture.....!!

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Yes a picture - ...


Don't know if this is what he's talking about or not. Two flat spots, each about 1/4" x 3/8" on the left side of engine above the output shaft. below the left-rear exhaust manifold. If so, mine has an inscription of some kind on both spots. One on the left looks like the number 97 but am not sure. One on the right resembles the number 99 but not exactly. Looks like it was inscribed by hand.

Edited by DesertRider
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Yes a picture - ...


Don't know if this is what he's talking about or not. Two flat spots, each about 1/4" x 3/8" on the left side of engine above the output shaft. below the left-rear exhaust manifold. If so, mine has an inscription of some kind on both spots. One on the left looks like the number 97 but am not sure. One on the right resembles the number 99 but not exactly. Looks like it was inscribed by hand.


I believe those numbers have to do with matching the rods and caps per thew cylinders, noticed that on my 84 when I rebuilt it. I've been wrong once before tho........

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Mine don't have it and I would have bet this guy had his done if available. Could Yamaha go back and check records. Dealer won't do it.


Yamaha's tighter than a frog's a$$ when it comes to offering any informatiion on anything.... Either they are very elitist, or they're running the entire business out of their hip pocket....

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  • 8 months later...
Yes a picture - ...


Don't know if this is what he's talking about or not. Two flat spots, each about 1/4" x 3/8" on the left side of engine above the output shaft. below the left-rear exhaust manifold. If so, mine has an inscription of some kind on both spots. One on the left looks like the number 97 but am not sure. One on the right resembles the number 99 but not exactly. Looks like it was inscribed by hand.


I believe those numbers have to do with matching the rods and caps per thew cylinders, noticed that on my 84 when I rebuilt it. I've been wrong once before tho........


Not knowing about those marks, closer to the slave cylinder opening. But one of the manually inscribed numbers by the serial # is for middle gear shimming, as per attached file.

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The guy who did the 2nd gear in my 83 use to work for a dealer and he put a punch mark just like the pic posted by Curtised. Wasn't cheap to get it done but well worth it



Edited by Pam
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