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Today I was preparing to go to Tennessee to get Monty's trailer and I noticed that the tag on my Venture had expired LAST JANUARY :bang head:


I've been to Michigan, Indiana, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and of course Ohio this summer so far. Fortunately my riding habits didn't draw the attention of the Police in any of those states or I may :crying: right now.


After a lot of scurrying around I managed to get a valid sticker and get it on the bike. To some it's not really a big deal, however, had I been involved in an accident, regardless who's fault, :mo money: it would have been my fault because I was illegally operating a vehicle on public roads. :mo money:


All sorts of things come to mind and NONE of them were of a good nature. guess I'd better start paying attention to more than riding and tire pressure. :smile5:


You aren't the only one. I DID buy mine but never got around to putting it on. Not that it's a big deal because due to various issues, I've hardly got to ride this summer. We did get in a 250 mile ride last Sunday though and then just a couple of days ago, I was going through my drawer and found my registration sticker there still in the envelope. Still haven't put it on but will try to remember before I ride again.


Yah mean it don't do any good to have the registration and current tab stickers in your desk drawer...:doh:

Glad you reminded me.... :bang head:

I know Rocket... you don't need current tags if the scoot never gets off :mytruck: :crying:


Years ago a friend of mine rode for six months with his tag in a saddle bag. We rode in front of the police alot and he findly got stopped and was told to put it on the bike. He wanted to see how long he could ride before someone stopped him.



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All I can say is MEN! You guys always need a woman to remind you everything!



ALL of my tags come up in August, except for the big trailer, so's I always wait till the last moment to go get them.........


That way I know I gotta put them on or face the wrath of the wif if she gets caught!


They make it simple here...tags are due on your birthday.

You can get them for one or two years...depending if they need "drive Clean" inspection or not upon renewal.


Years ago bike's didn't have "tags" at all....you got a lifetime plate...same as trailers are for us now.


But now bikes are treated the same as cars....HMMMM


That raises a question....do bikes in Ontario have to get "Drive Clean"?

Today I was preparing to go to Tennessee to get Monty's trailer and I noticed that the tag on my Venture had expired LAST JANUARY :bang head:


I've been to Michigan, Indiana, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and of course Ohio this summer so far. Fortunately my riding habits didn't draw the attention of the Police in any of those states or I may :crying: right now.


After a lot of scurrying around I managed to get a valid sticker and get it on the bike. To some it's not really a big deal, however, had I been involved in an accident, regardless who's fault, :mo money: it would have been my fault because I was illegally operating a vehicle on public roads. :mo money:


All sorts of things come to mind and NONE of them were of a good nature. guess I'd better start paying attention to more than riding and tire pressure. :smile5:


yep know what ya mean must be somethin in the air this year i found mine in my wallet last week so long before the new bike it had expired i did have one just not on the bike and it was raining so it was a couple days before i did get it on but good now:doh:

Today I was preparing to go to Tennessee to get Monty's trailer and I noticed that the tag on my Venture had expired LAST JANUARY :bang head:


I've been to Michigan, Indiana, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and of course Ohio this summer so far. Fortunately my riding habits didn't draw the attention of the Police in any of those states or I may :crying: right now.


After a lot of scurrying around I managed to get a valid sticker and get it on the bike. To some it's not really a big deal, however, had I been involved in an accident, regardless who's fault, :mo money: it would have been my fault because I was illegally operating a vehicle on public roads. :mo money:


All sorts of things come to mind and NONE of them were of a good nature. guess I'd better start paying attention to more than riding and tire pressure. :smile5:


Let's see here---Ohio sends them out by mail with a return envelope---you should know when your B-day is. Guess all you can chalk it up to is :sign brain fart::sign brain fart: But in your defense--you don't need plates on the bike in January.


I'm glad to know I'm not the only one. I renewed my registration in july. Sunday I was cleaning my room and I looked under a bunch of magazines and there was my sticker. I put it on my bike this morning.


I got collector plates for my bike just so that I never have to worry about stickers ever again.

Collector plates are forever. Or at least another 18 years till it qualifies for Antique plates.

Yah mean it don't do any good to have the registration and current tab stickers in your desk drawer...:doh:


Glad you reminded me.... :bang head:


I know Rocket... you don't need current tags if the scoot never gets off :mytruck: :crying:

He (Rocket) is at the POrkn the Pines and Goldy is now a very nice silver . Hope he chimes in with more pics..:Venture:

He (Rocket) is at the POrkn the Pines and Goldy is now a very nice silver . Hope he chimes in with more pics..:Venture:



SILVER? thought it was LIME GREEN!!!:smile5:

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