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In this area we have a big problem with tailgaters period. But when they tailgate us when we are on the bikes we run into another problem. See my son's thread ( Friend killed on bike) The last 3 years I have been confronting the tailgaters nicely when I have the opportunity and nicely telling them the problems involved when they tailgate a bike. Don't know if it helps,but some do say they are sorry and didn't realize. Once in a while it turns into a confrontation,but oh well, they need to be told.

What do some of you do? I thought about ball bearings,etc--but I'm more afraid of causing an accident and getting someone not involved hurt. I'm talking about the problem tailgaters where slowing down,waving them around,etc don't help.

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I've picked a safe spot, pulled over to the shoulder and slowed down to a crawl so they will pass.


Life's too short to sweat the idiots


I used to do the ball bearing thing then changed to pennys in case I got stopped by the cops. Then I would sometimes let them pass and then put on my high beam and follow them. But, as I have gotten older I guess I have either gotten wiser or just more cautious because now I just let them go around me and at the very most shake my fist sometimes. But for the most part people nowadays don't really care. When women tell you to F-off you know things have changed.

since I just started riding again with the acquisition of my new Victory, and after the last traumatic accident I have become EXTREMELY cautious and a lot more patient. I try not to let bad drivers' get me riled but rather think of ways to calm myself. I want to enjoy riding again and getting all steamed over someone else's inconsideration is not the way to do it. If it's bad enough I will get a tag number and call the police. That usually results in nothing being done but it makes me feel better. Now, if I'm in my truck, well, that's a different story !!!


I just pull over on the right side, slow down and wave them on when it is safe for them to pass.


Sometimes I will just slow down and wave my arm back toward them telling them to get off my butt..:thumbsup2:


Same in Oklahoma I have had three different times when a cager has been close enough that I could hear the engine behind me. It was so close once it made my wife nervous and she turned almost completly around and was informing them that they needed to back off. I slowed down to almost a crawl and they finally passed me. I followed them to a quick stop and it was a young girl I pulled up beside the car and when she got out I didn't have to say a word my wife was on her like a rat on a cheeto. I really don't think the girl had a clue she just stood there and listen while my wife told her some what fors. It was pretty cool.


I am with you on the ball bearing I have heard of some other bikers doing that and I don't want to become part of the problem. If I am alone I will just put some distance between me and them it is not that hard to do. There is a point that I won't be pushed past but it is out there a ways. In my younger days that point was a little closer than I would like to admit. :innocent:


I handle each tailgater different depending on what they are doing and who it is. I normally slow down and wave them around and then shack a finger at them (not the middle one) Sometimes I speed up and hope they get the idea. Remember DO NOT confront them with anger because cagers are like a bunch of us and carry guns. It is not worth getting shot over.:bang head:


I have pulled over to let them pass or even turned off the road to go around a block when slowing down did not work.

In all of my years I have only had one person follow me around the block still tailgating, at that point he got a horsepower lesson and I never saw him again.

I handle each tailgater different depending on what they are doing and who it is. I normally slow down and wave them around and then shack a finger at them (not the middle one) Sometimes I speed up and hope they get the idea. Remember DO NOT confront them with anger because cagers are like a bunch of us and carry guns. It is not worth getting shot over.:bang head:


Likewise - even without guns, they outweigh us and when pissed can be ugly with the car/truck - not worth it ..... but it sure gets frustrating!!!!


I'm talking about when you pump your brake lights at them quickly several times--wave them around,etc and they won't pass,just stay on your tail. There is a point I won't be pushed past also. When your on a 2 lane country road running the speed limit a safe distance behind other vehicles its hard to put distance between you and the idot. I agree, I'm not going to get shot for someone tailgateing me,but it's amazing how many idots look at you dumb founded when you enlighten them nicely. Any other suggestions--


I don't seem to ever have a tailgater problem. If I'm in the slow lane mooching along I'll merge to the left and speed up. If I'm in the fast lane boogying I'll pull into a slower lane. If I'm out in the booneys on a one lane road I'll pull into a turn out and let 'm by....


I have heard other people weave the bike back and forth, sometimes stand up on the pegs a little....idea is to kind of make the tailgater think you are a bit crazy or out of control? I have done the weave a couple times, and it seems to work.


Flash the brake lights works sometimes.


If the 'gater doesn't get the hint right away, then pull over, turn, wave them by....whatever is the safest for you and other traffic.


About speeding up, I have found that tailgaters, love it when you do that, and they try to keep up and that just adds to the danger usually. Sometimes slowing down doesn't work, and that also puts others at danger, along with you! So I pull over or turn and try to make it into an area where I can get help or witnesses if needed!


I used to get mad at jerks like this, but decided a few years ago it wasn't worth my blood pressure or energy. Just get rid of them as quick and safely as you can.

I have heard other people weave the bike back and forth, sometimes stand up on the pegs a little....idea is to kind of make the tailgater think you are a bit crazy or out of control? I have done the weave a couple times, and it seems to work.


Flash the brake lights works sometimes.


If the 'gater doesn't get the hint right away, then pull over, turn, wave them by....whatever is the safest for you and other traffic.


About speeding up, I have found that tailgaters, love it when you do that, and they try to keep up and that just adds to the danger usually. Sometimes slowing down doesn't work, and that also puts others at danger, along with you! So I pull over or turn and try to make it into an area where I can get help or witnesses if needed!


I used to get mad at jerks like this, but decided a few years ago it wasn't worth my blood pressure or energy. Just get rid of them as quick and safely as you can.


Been doing all the above--sure wish we could get some commercials on tv informing drivers about mc safety involving cars and mc.



About speeding up, I have found that tailgaters, love it when you do that, and they try to keep up and that just adds to the danger usually. Sometimes slowing down doesn't work, and that also puts others at danger, along with you! So I pull over or turn and try to make it into an area where I can get help or witnesses if needed!


Interesting I don't find that to be the case. What I do find is a rider, who has the cruise set, refuse to very his speed come hell or highwater. Those are the riders that will get tailgaited.


I typically wave at them with a backoff type of gesture and try to make eye contact.


So far, that has worked for me. People in cars seem to react a little differently to an exposed biker gesturing at them vs. being in an enclosed car...


I did once watch a man/woman couple on two bikes being tail-gaited by some older wimpy looking, pasty white dude. They come to a red light, the bikers pull to the right turn lane, cager to the left and the male biker, a HUGE guy, basically is yelling at the cager threatening him within an inch of his life. Heck, I was scared and I was in the middle lane one car back!


I'm guessing the cager might think twice about tailgaiting a biketr again....


I live in Aledo, Texas and work in Las Colinas, Texas; a 50 mile ride one way. I'd love to ride one of my scooters to work but for this very reason, tail gaters, I don't. Even if I can move one lane to the right (or left) and wave the tailgating turd by, the next fool behind him or the fool behind me in the lane that I managed to safely move to, tailgates me as well. Even though both of my scooters have bags and a trunk, I couldn't carry enough ball bearings with me. Hell, I've been rear ended 6 times in the last 10 years while in a pick up or car. I decided long ago taking two wheels to work in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex just too dangerous, just too many dirt bags that don't know what courteous and/or safe driving is.


When I was in high school (many years ago) I had a a small spotlight bulb mounted pointing back with a seperate switch, it worked great till a State Trooper Friend advised me to get rid of it. :whistling:


Frustrating? You betcha! Worth 5 years of your time? Not even close. In most states to throw an object at or from a moving vehicle is a felony since the craze of dropping large rocks off overpasses killed a bunch of motorists a few years back. Do what you need to do to get out of the way of these morons, keep your blood pressure in check (we're all gettin older) and get home at the end of the day, cause afterall, thats what its really all about.




Down here even the cars drive on the shoulder and let other cars pass. Most shoulders are paved so its no big deal. I just slow a little and move over to the shoulder and wave them by. There are some true nuts out there, no sense in getting killed over their bad habits either on the road or in a confrontation trying to show them the error of their ways. Especially since they don't think they are doing anything wrong.

Interesting I don't find that to be the case. What I do find is a rider, who has the cruise set, refuse to very his speed come hell or highwater. Those are the riders that will get tailgaited.


If I'm riding on a 2 lane country road where the speed limit is 55 mph and I'm doing 50-55, I shouldn't have to speed up or vary my speed. Most time's the tailgaters are trying to drive at 60-65mph. They have NO right to push me over the speed limit. If I'm doing 40-45 mph on the same road, yes I will speed up to the legal limit--but then they continue to tailgate---even when I wave them around.

They have NO right to push me over the speed limit. If I'm doing 40-45 mph on the same road, yes I will speed up to the legal limit--but then they continue to tailgate---even when I wave them around.


Yep, and that'll get you tailgated.....


Well, I might be wrong, but in a case of tailgaiting, I think women who ride passenger or drive their own bike have an easier time of handling this problem.


When I drive my own bike, I always follow the hubby. When someone starts tailgaiting me, I give them "THE SNAKE EYE" look. It usually works.


If it doesn't I slow down to a crawl, pull to the right, and wave them around and shake my head as they pass. They get my drift.


I try to let them go around by slowing down and getting into the right hand track for them to see around me. If they do not want to pass when applicable, I give them fair warning by holding up my clutch arm with all 5 fingers up clearly in the air and start a countdown. By then they know I'm pissed and about to do something. Then they either back off or go around. A roll of dimes or air-soft plastic pellets do the trick. As soon as I release, I pull to the side and get prepared for the worse when there dumb-azz stopping and wanting to make a confrontation. I merely stand by my scoot with my side arm visually seen and secured in my holster. Several have already reconsidered and put a smile on their face and continued their trip peacefully. Ofcourse , this was the last resort maneuver.

But I save the best FIRST, A good ole tobacco plug right up into the air onto their windsheild , if not the spit bottle !




Usually I just turn my head and look at them, usually they back off.


Or on freeway, I just change lanes, and move out.

If not, I change lanes, or take the right shoulder, or if nothing else is avialable I take the next right turn. I have had them follow me, on the lane changes.


I reccomend doing these manouvers as though nothing is wrong, don't tick them off.


If you think a situation is developing, then do another quick lane change, and back off. Get behind them


The main thing here is to do something!! Also another thing here to consider is when you are driveing your car, and you have a MC tailgateing you !!! Yes it does happen.

If you are forced to slam on your car brakes, that idiot is going to be in your back seat !!! And most likley dead !!


Believe it or not, I have seen two M/C cops rideing side by side, Tailgateing a truck !!! then moveing to behind a car, and staying there for miles.


Once in extremely, heavy traffic, on a 4 lane, I was being tailgated, I had to hit brakes due to a truck crossing the meridian. The guy behind me thought I was messing with him, and it got ugly. Frankly I was running for my life. I managed to get in front of a truck, then take the shoulder, then slow down and get behind the guy. I could see him going balistic. I took a right turn, and Headed South !! on back roads.

It was a learning experience !!!


In my area, most of the traveling is two-lane road with speed zone of 55mph. I will slow down in the passing zones to encourage them to pass, will motion for them to pass.


If they dont, I slow down to create the 4 second following distance between my back tire, and their front bumper. They take advantage of the next passing zone, and pass.


Remember people.... Safety First. :2132:

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