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snuck out for a ride


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seeing as i hope Dianne dont come on here and read this?

its a nice in the 80,s day and im feeling pretty darn good.

so i thought hey oldgoat take the venture out and see what dianne was talking about it bogging down. well i fire her up and take off. first i made some phones calls to family and friends and gave them my route i was going to take.. well off i go. im going along nice and steady. then theres a 45 degree uphill road. ok heres a good place to test the bogging?? i crank it up to 45mph in second and just hung on to the throttle. shot up that hill hitting 60mph in second maybe not a good thing? hit the flat top road hit 3rd and cranked it again and hit 75mph.. the i just dropped it into 4th. and stayed there. never put it in 5th. as this road is a 45 mph road and its getting close to the end of the month .can we say this road is a speed trap road because as soon as you hit the bottom of this road it drops to 30mph. small town about 125 population. well im thinking that that number 3 sparkplug cap i cleaned and snapped back on migh have something to do with the bogging. they had and now i fixed it?? also the seafoam and premium gas might have finaly cleaned something in the carbs?? so i had a good day untill i got home and noticed oil burring smell?? i think i have a small vale cover leak on the front left side as i see some grim and oil residue there?? not a biggie. just might need a little tighten down on it. also noticed that left handle bar seems in a little? now i think that the repair shop dropped another bike on mine. as the farring was cracked. so is there any punch marks on the bars to see if it it shiffted? or god forbid its bent some. im thinking this is what makes the front wobble some? im trying to ride and keep bars straight and im pulling the left bar when i shouldnt??

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jerry im thinking its a 45 as it just keeps going up past an old school. down around county rd 425 north and go out to I 39 here in illinois you round a corner here on 251 shoot up this hill for 2 miles before it levels off. then half a mile of flat road then straight down hill its fun and a little bit scarry. i never was good in math but let me tell ya it makes truckers pucker up going down that thing. as soon as you get to the bottom you have about a quater mile before you hit this little tiny town and slow down to 30mph???

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thanks dan right as usual im going to check on new gaskets cant be too hard to replace?

i did have the oil changed prior to me getting sick and i think its a little over full?

with a grunt and a groan and neighbors help i got her up on center stand and notiiced oil is a little past half way mark on the sight glass?

this winter im going to do some things to her. im looking at fixing the damn fuse box. darn headlight fuse gets lose and pops once in a while? damn tabs are getting bad..

someone here sells a fix for this i think?

then i neeed to save up more $$ for condors fork brace. then use dingys cool tool he sold me and do steering head. im going to name the bike summertime

cause summertime she runs great summertime not so good but never has left me stranded and not get home.

then plastic work. you know i have thought about selling it then just one good day of it running like it should makes ya think long and hard.

next season im looking to add a second bike. i had that yamaha maxim but sold it. so im looking a maybe another one just as a backup...

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thanks squid just 30 miles today. if i still feel this good on monday?

then im going to try a 50. im not out to set a mile record this year LOL

lets see total miles this season a little over 450. i did notice with the medication im on for some reason i can make my uturns better LOL

im going to see what 5th gear does tomorrow?

i never had the bike out where i can do this. so im thinking 1st up to 40 then second up to 55? then try for 85 in 5th. thats as fast as i want to go on this bike for now..

im looking to see if the old chrome from my old side covers can be put on the ones i just got from ebay. that open space sure puts heat on your legs..

then i need new grips these are still the origional and are showing there age ...

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