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wanted to let everybody know of this event, it's a great time for everybody. sorry i'm posting it a little late, but i know we have a lot of members from around this area. the souther cruiser have been attending it for several yrs, having a poker run and riding in the parade. but the festival is open to everybody that want to attend. we are hoping to attend it this yr on maybe fri and defiantley on sat, Nov 10 for it's MY BIRTHDAY and i'm the Guest of Honor and Grand Marshall of the parade and riding a decked out New 2008 Venture(GIVEN TO ME FREE BY YAMAHA DEALER) in the parade and everybody will have to give me presents( none less than a $100 please) LOL!!!!! NOOTTT JUST KIDDING Y'ALL. maybe we can meet up there and eat together. we'll keep a eye on this post to keep up with the replies.


ALL THOSE IN Ga, Fl, Ms, and Al should be close to do this ride. i was just KIDDING about buying birthday presents for me!lol we can make it a spur-of-the-minute LA Meet and Eat. be great to meet some of the members there for lunch. anybody live close to dothan that can locate a resturant to meet at???:confused24:

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