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I have been in contact with The Goatkeeper (Dianne) about how James is doing. He's still in a bad way to go as far as their not knowing what is making him pass out. Here is her PM to me with whats going on.


"His daughter is down here again, and staying with me. We have talked about the mayo hospital in Rochester MN look at him. The doctors here are ok but puzzled as to what's going on with him? no cancer thank god. Just trouble with blood pressure that drops when he gets up quick or stands to long? Then the headaches come and boom down he goes. I will inform him of your message, if you can, will you post and tell everyone that he's thinking of all of you folks?

Thanks Dianne"


He's obviously not out of the woods yet, so if you folks want to drop him a PM I know it would help his spirits if nothing else. Send one to Dianne too as I'm sure her spirit needs a lift too. Thanks to all of you that have kept a vigil with keeping James in your thoughts and prayers.


Dianne---Tell Oldgoat to do what the doctors say. Keep him in line. You are both part of this family and our thoughts and prayer's are with you.


found out he gave squid a short call.

he had a smile on his face when we stopped in on him. thank you squid. they took his phone now untill after supper time short calls allowed up till 7:00 pm

he told his daughter and I to take the weekend off for ourselfs.

sad to say we had to agree. there are things we need to do and catch up on.

mostly work. we used up a lot of our time off from work.

but this weekend is ours .. girls night out. or movie night in one way or another where going to enjoy ourselfs.

we know oldgoat (james) is in a safe place. and for once where going to let him think he,s the boss LOL

he.s trying hard to get well on his part.

now the doctors have to do theres.

there slowy lifting his head up in the bed. and standing him up for short periods of time. for some reason and where not sure why? they gave him 2 pints of blood??

now they at one time said he.s not bleeding inside?

well thats about all the news Ihave




Thanks for keeping us up on what's happening. Glad you and his daughter are going to take care of yourselves for a little while. Can't take care of him if you're all worn out. It is curious that they'd give him 2 pints of blood if he isn't actually losing any or so they say. Maybe one of our medical folks can explain that one.




Thanks for the update Dianne....


I was going to come on and let the members know of our conversation. It was good to talk with him, albeit short, when the nurse came in and we had to end out call :) He sounds good and was very appreciative of all the good vibes coming from the members. As soon as I talk with him again I'll keep y'all informed. Dianne, you gals have a good weekend, you absolutely deserve a break :thumbsup2:


good news bad news


i will start with the bad news first

at 6:00 am today james asked for help to go to the bathroom.

they brought him a wheel chair with the bucket. while going number 2. nurse saw blood in the bucket. quick call to the doctor. and he was rushed to be operated on.

they found a bleeding ulcer (explains why they gave him blood) then more xrays and found a tear in the small intestines. removed about 8 inches of small intestines.

ok thats the bad news


good news this was the cause of his problems. now he will be on the road to recovery

thank god. this will soon come to an end.

they knocked him out and he,s sleeping a lot.

hooked him up to a pain pump. so he can hit it when he needs it.

Amber I and rest of family cried a lot because they finaly found it..

docs say about 2 more weeks then he can come home.

his birtday is the 12th. so we will have a late bday party for him.

see your prayers are working


love Dianne Amber cherie. and the rest

Guest Ken8143

Even though I don't know either of you I follow the story. Am so glad they finally found something to work on! Just knowing what you have to deal with makes it better, if you follow what I am trying to say.


Prayers from this neck of the woods for a good recovery - and keep us posted.


And I love your screen names!


glory to the Lord for prayers answered and the goat finding his oil leak.

it has happened several times to the folks in this club. keep your faith and it will keep you.

And thanks for doing this all ... for him and for us


Couldn't have said it better, Thanks again Dianne and let him know were still thinking of him and all of you helping



a message from the oldgoat


dear brothers and sisters

i have not been a member here for verry long

but i have come to see that this is not just a club for parts ,advice and to talk about motorcycles.

i think of this club as a flock of sheep

though its huge when one falls the others gather around

then a transformation occurs

some of the sheep become sheep hearders

they tend to us. they care for us. and yes they pray for us.

and through this we all become one again.

also i think of this club as a heart

for if there is even one of us left the beat of this heart will go on.

its what makes us strong.. for you have to have heart lots and lots of heart

and i found it here.

in the form of friendship

from mini and all trying to bring members to next years maintenance day.

to help someone get there bike back on the road.

to share a laugh a prayer. a phone call durring there busy day.

i am proud to be called a venture member. they use to have hands across america we have heart around the world. and thats what makes us one of the best god bless each and ever one of you.

sometimes at night i swear i can hear the prayers.


love james aka oldgoat

Guest Ken8143

I think you got the picture!


Geeezzzz James...don't be telling all our secrets. Now everybody is going to want to be a part of the family. :)


Seriously, it is always good to see you posting because it makes me think that you are feeling better. Keep your chin up my friend and know that like it or not, you are one of us. :thumbsup2:


please forgive me i am so tired the last few days have been like a whirl wind.

oldgoat has finaly got up and moving a little in i dont remember how many days.

he still looks like a ghost. they do let him play with the lap top but not verry offten.

he had a fair meal tonight. said it taste like hospitial food so he must be getting a little better. he asked for hard candy. and was allowed to have it.

Amber his daughter went back to MN today. have to say shes like a real sister to me. just someone to lean on is nice to have. and to come here and see the prayers and all its wonderfull. but i need some rest. so for next 3 days i wont be going to see him a phone call will have to do. he,s ok with that. and was glad i was honest with him about his bike. he said he,s not worried about it. right now life is more important.

Amber did tell him to get better because surprise dad im getting married in may. that put a smile on his face. hes been hearing it for the last 3 years. now its confirmed. im going to be a brides maid wow. even my life has changed since i met this oldgoat .

now i got to go and finish putting this dash in a box to get ready to ship to bongobobny then this old girl LOL needs a long bubble bath. some relaxing tea a good book then sleep

love Dianne

Posted (edited)

hey goatkeeper! let us know when you get a few mins. to spare, and the wife and i will come down and buy you a rootbeer at "the rootbeer stand" then maybe we could go and poke fun at the oldgoat and wish him a speedy recovery!

my offer to help with repairs to the bike, still stands.


Edited by eusa1

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