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How important is the stock exhaust to how the Venture runs?


The bike I have has had the exhaust changed for some short little after market mufflers, my fuel mileage sucks, around 30 ,31 to the gallon, does anyone think that the reduced back pressure of these after market mufflers could be part of or most of or any of the cause for such mileage and lack of low end power?


The bike has a great top end, but the low end is a little less than I figure I should have with the bike, 3000 rpm and above its a fast accelerating monster, below that it accelerates but kinda on the soft side if you know what I mean.

Posted (edited)

If you did not change the mufflers. could be who ever changed the exhaust, changed the main jets. Shorty mufflers are rarely good for power and usually sound like hell..Believe it or not a proper running Venture that is not tuned too rich. Pulls smooth and even below 3000...then the slides rise and YES, it starts to go with a significant pull. Like on old 4 barrel carb on a small block V8 as the 2nd pair of barrels open. Mine was running rich for months. TUrns out the pilots screws were too rich of a setting , and one float needle was bad. BUT When too rich- results are... below 2500rpm the bike will "leap" forward at very little throtlte in the 1st and 2nd gear sometimes 3rd as well, and your gas mileage will be poor. But you'll feel like you have a rocket below you. Drag racers like this condition because it gives immediate power when the throttle is opened. AKA "rich to just right" which makes more power for a short amount of time. Since your seems to not do this and is lazy at low rpm... I think the exhaust and mains may be the thing. Or even other carb issues.

Edited by jasonm.

Thanks for the info jason, I have yet to balance the carbs and Im quite a ways away from being comfortable enough to tear into them without some in person help, but being here where I am thats not likely to happen.


The stealer here wants 125.00 to do the balance on the carbs, so Im looking for a set of gauges to do them myself.


The mufflers actually don't sound bad to me but I think I would like to go back to stock when I can afford them.


I think the ID of the exhaust pipes are to small. I had a '97 RSTD and put Bubs full exhaust system on it and the mileage went from 35 mpg to 47 -50 mpg every tank after that. The Bubs had alot larger ID on their pipes.




I checked the Bubs site , it appears that they do not make pipes for the first gens. at least I couldn't find them.

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