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Just tell them to come to Canada ours are WAY over paid, and Swifty Iam allowed to have my opinion :big-grin-emoticon:Rhonda


Not really funny!

Guest Swifty
Just tell them to come to Canada ours are WAY over paid, and Swifty Iam allowed to have my opinion :big-grin-emoticon:Rhonda

Yup, way over paid....that's why I live in my garage while you have a double wide one, that's why I ride a 25 yr old bike while you have TWO new ones, that's why I tent while you hotel and pull a luxo-camper, that's why you have a car AND SUV while I drive an econo box, that's why I borrow all your tools instead of buying my own, and that's why I'll be working long after YOU retire....


One apple does not an orchard make.....


Well if you can figure out how to make the averag person put more importance on edcation than Monday night football, so that politicians would find it advantagous to their elections to make education an actual priority in stead of a smoke and mirrors talking piece, you just let me know.


Hmm, average Florida teacher pay value is $52,000 per year and the U.S. has slipped to 9th place in education worldwide. We spend an average of $11000 per student per year nationwide. So if the teacher gets paid by the first 5 students in the class where does the rest of the money go?


Never mind answering that, i'd have to get on my soapbox about the idiocy of the American education system...


This is a bit of a sour subject for many, so I am not trying :stirthepot: . Not sure what the wages are for the rest of the states, but our teachers get a decent salary. Maybe they deserve more but so do a lot of other jobs, that do not get the vacation time and who work many hours overtime without getting paid for the extra time.


What gets me is the system. I personally do not like the way they push the kids through, even when they do not pass. For some reason the school board will not allow the kids to fail when they deserve too. Teachers say they are fighting for the kids and I do not doubt that but the long and short is the kids are not getting the education they desrerve.





PS. Swifty Why buy the tools when you know there in the garage. Stop spending a bunch of money on a little noise or if you here a little backfire.


Eat at Macdonalds in stead of them fancy restaurants and two incomes sure help a lot.


I guess it where you put your priorities :rotf:



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