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Ok...I'm trying to avoid a rant here but after 7 years with the same provider they ticked me off for the last time. I shut off my account for both my own and my daughters cell phones.


So I'll avoid the reasons why at this point and go directly to my search for a new provider.


I haven't looked at other providers for the last seven years so I've been kind of out of the loop on whats what. Stopped at a couple of others to check out the plans and been Googling the daylights out of my 'puter since I got home.


I'm leaning towards Verizon at this point. So.....any comments good or bad on them? Their sales staff were attentive to my needs and offered up a pretty decent package, or so it seems until I finish reading all the fine print.


Along that line anyone using them and the VZ Navigator app?


I'm fine without a cell for a few days ..or longer...but I'm doing CPR on my 18 year old daughter every ten minutes. I don't know if she's going to make it through the night. I cut that girls cord 18 years ago and she survived this long.....but this time I may have killed her.


Any comments would help save a life.......probably mine! :fingers crossed:




Well, I've been happy with the same wireless provider for 13 years, but I am hesitant to suggest them in case they are the same one you are POed at!


Wife and kids have Verizon. They like it. I have Sprint (Work supplied) and I like it. Just depends on what you want to spend. The Verizon nav use to add 10 a month to the bill. I currently have the HTC EVO from sprint and the phone does just about everything you can think of. My 22 year old daughter can't wait to get her hands on the new DroidX from Veriz..


weve got verizon.......been with them since forever,but then again it was alltel when I started and they bought out them. As for the vz navigator...........it works really well. Until you go into an area where there is n ot a verizon tower. Then you are screwed. the navigator works off of the towers and not off of gps. Found this out going through west VA on the way to mantenece day.


When my contract is over I may go with boost mobile. $50 and it totally unlimited. Free calls incoming and outgoing, free inernet and free two way. check into it.we use nextel and I use them at work. I have talked to peaple in california and Im in nc and they sounded like they were next door. Also talked to my boss when he was in southern mexico with no problems.Just an idea.





I'll bet your provider was AT&T. How would I guess? If you look at my profile I work for them, except on the wireline side. I would NOT recommend them, even if they write my paycheck. This probably didn't help much, sorry:(

I'll bet your provider was AT&T. How would I guess? If you look at my profile I work for them, except on the wireline side. I would NOT recommend them, even if they write my paycheck. This probably didn't help much, sorry:(


That is funny, I work for Verizon, and I was not going to recommend them!!:scratchchin:


I had Verizon for about 10 years and was very happy with them. Switched to ATT to take advantage of a promotion that got me a 30"LCD TV for about $30. Been pretty happy with them too.


At the time I switched ATT coverage wasn't as good, but it's improved a lot.


If you travel overseas many ATT and T-Mobil phones will also work there since they use the same technology as the rest of the world. Verizon and Sprint use a technology that is North America specific, although I've been told that they do have some phones that will work on the other standard.


If you use lots of data (text, internet, navigation) the Sprint unlimited plan looks pretty attractive. Last time I was selling wireless though (almost 2 years ago) the Sprint plan wasn't truly unlimited, they had an out where they could drop you if you were using more than 5 gig of bandwidth a month. Not sure if they still have that.


As the above paragraph indicates, the fine print is critical for all of them. Also, look in fine detail at their coverage maps because whatever you have is useless if it doesn't work where you need it.


Well they all end up pretty much the same if you have a problem. Seems the same idiots work that part for all the cell companies. (have no idea if that's true, just a guess). Thing is you need to figure out whose gonna give you what you need for service. As far as coverage around here it's either Sprint or Verizon. I'm not sure about AT&T since they did away with their unlimited data plans might not work too well if you're daughter likes her phone that much. Also we have no idea which company got you mad. Good luck on the search. I've thought about changing our service a few times, but last time there really wasn't a choice. Kinda stinks in an area where not many cover you.




Just by looking in your profile I'd say it was crickett the got you mad. I cant say anything about them never been on their plan. Im still a fan of verizon but for my area boost mobile is still the winner as far as price and services you get for the price.





The provider I was with all this time was Cricket. Ok.....not a great provider but I liked the fact that they had fixed rates that allowed unlimited everything. For a cell phone for a young teenage girl....perfect! I had friends that had war stories that would curl your hair about the bills their young kids ran up on overage charges. For $45.00 a month she could yak and text to her hearts content. I got mine on the same deal as I'm deaf as a stone and can not use a regular phone. Thus....I entered the world of text messaging. I finally had a good communication link with my daughter at all times.


Three months ago I bought her a new phone with all the bells and whistles. About $300.00. She loved it. Been working great.


So anyway...I came home yesterday and her phone was acting up. She could not receive incoming calls or text messages. She could send and call out but nothing was coming in. I called and sent text to it and it showed that her message box was full and all the calls were going directly to voice mail. Box was emply and all resoures were wide open and showing available.


So off the store. They checked the phone and found it be acting oddly and it got worse the more they played with it. They say that isn't right. Well Duh! So just replace the danged thing! Well... they say they can't do that. It's still in warrenty so what's the problem? In their opinion......the phone was damaged. What was damaged? The paint on the body, under the protective cover that THEY installed the day I bought it was scratched.....by the protective cover! It was worn where the cover rubbed. Now according to them the phone must be in "Like New" condition to be covered under warrenty. So the answer was to replace the phone. That is out of my pocket! Another $300.00 for a new phone to replace a less than 90 day old phone that had rub marks on the paint UNDER the protective cover.


Now I may be out of line on this but I called BS! The phone was not receiving inbound signals because the paint was worn? Get real! What a BS way to not warrenty a new phone.


So I'm done with them.


I've had Sprint years back when I was traveling every month coast to coast. Great coverage....lousy customer support. Not likely I'll got back to them.


The folks around here cuss AT&T pretty regular. Not real excited about them.


Been reading the fine print and plan details on the Verison stuff all night and the details are a little fuzzy on the text "data" charges as far as how many text massages would be included in the rate. I only use text because on my hearing. She thrives on it with the friends. If they are limiting the data too much that could be an issue. It's really about all either one of use.


So I'm still shopping. And still a bit miffed at what happend today.


My daughter is still alive but semi comatose. She went out with some girlfriends as she needed to be "with somebody who understands". Well at least she talking to them instead of tip tapping away at a keypad. Who knows....she might get used to it. I mean dang....actually talking to people!


Who woulda thunk? LOL!


:bang head:


Verizon here also. I travel a lot and it is the best that I've seen. Most of my co-workers have AT&T and I often have signals when they don't.

Posted (edited)

I've had Suncom, AT&T,Verizon,Nextel,Sprint,CellularOne,Cingular,T-mobile and thats all I can think of right now, as far as contract phones go. I finally decided they were all a big waste of money and I finally just went with prepay. I don't need all the fancy apps ( most people don't, they just can't admit it. ) I use one Tracfone that cost me 100 bucks a year, I pay it yearly so I don't have to worry about it, I will never use all those minutes. I use one Verizon phone that I use with Page Plus that cost me 30 bucks a year ( 10 bucks every 4 months ). The reason I have the two different ones is that one is GSM and the other is CDMA. I have never had any trouble with either one and if one does not work in an area maybe the other will.

Edited by silent67

I've been with T-Mobile for over 8 years and mostly been pretty happy. I've had a few problems but never one that they couldn't solve to my satisfaction. They've won a lot of awards for customer service and I will attest that it is good. Right now I have 6 lines with them. Plus I'm completely hooked on the Android operating system for smart phones. If you go the smart phone route I highly recommend Android no matter which provider you select. The new ones do so much you almost don't need a laptop any more.


i still have Alltel now Verizon: I feel they do a good job but not as good as it was when it was Alltel:

check around as i know in other areas some phones are better; better offers deals/service not any one company is good everywhere


I was much happier with alltel than verizon but its still better than the rest of the company's around here


good luck


I would suggest you contact your local Better Business Bureau, and see if a complaint would help you get your warranty honored. After you get the replacement $300 phone:fingers crossed:, you can still take it with you to another provider (most of the time depending on providers network type) and not have to still buy another phone. Maybe buy cheap trac-phone to make due until issues resolved.:080402gudl_prv:


AT&T here. We have a roll-over family plan that isn't offered. Actually it was grandfathered in as a default when AT&T bought my previous carrier. I haven't searched for a wireless for over 20 years. The companies kept being bought out, and we kept getting absorbed. I think AT&T may be the last stop?? I've had a few issues with AT&T over the years, but I suspect that everyone has issues with any company they are with over time. One thing I can say is all my issues were resolved very well. You just have to keep an eye on 'm..... :2cents:


Screw going to the store, call corporate, tell the story, demand a new phone, and two months free service for the unprofessional treatment.


I agree it's obviously a problem in the phone. Have no idea why they said the phone is scratched and gave you that BS. You could always tell them you can put that phone where it may do some good. Of course they may not like that idea too much. Might want to check if the phone warranty is through the manufacturer of the phone maybe that would help you out.


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