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Following is taken from http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/smoking/medicines_000500.htm



What is Champix?


Champix is a prescription-only medicine. Launched in December 2006, the tablets contain the active ingredient varenicline.


Varenicline works by:



  • stimulating the same receptors in the brain as nicotine. This relieves the craving and withdrawal symptoms that you can get when you stop smoking.
  • blocking nicotine's action on these receptors. This means you won't get any enjoyable effect from nicotine if you do have a cigarette.

    Pros and cons
    Like Zyban, Champix is an alternative to NRT and doesn't contain nicotine.
    In clinical trials reported so far, more people have quit successfully with Champix than with Zyban. Champix has not yet been compared to NRT.
    On the negative side, some people found that after they stopped taking Champix:
    • the urge to smoke returned
    • they felt irritable
    • they felt depressed
    • they had sleeping difficulties.

    Gradually lowering the dose at the end of treatment may help to reduce these problems.


    Like all medicines, Champix has side-effects, which may put some people off using it. There are also some people who aren't suitable for this type of treatment.


    How to use Champix
    • Champix is only available on prescription, so your GP will decide whether you are suitable for treatment.
    • As with Zyban, Champix must be used in combination with motivational support techniques.
    • Champix tablets should be started one to two weeks before your target stop date.
    • The dose is increased gradually over the first week and the medicine is then taken twice a day for 12 weeks.
    • If you have successfully managed to stop smoking at the end of 12 weeks, your doctor may offer you a further 12-week course of treatment. This has been shown to slightly increase the chance of remaining smoke-free after one year.

    Side-effects of Champix
    • Nausea is the most common side-effect, usually in the first few weeks of treatment. It should improve as you continue to take the tablets.
    • Other common side-effects include headache, difficulty sleeping, abnormal dreams, increased appetite, taste changes, dry mouth, drowsiness, tiredness, dizziness, and gut disturbances such as constipation, diarrhoea or indigestion.

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Been Smoke free for 32 years after smoking for 10 years starting in college.


I quit when I thought I had lung cancer. Coughing all the time, hurt etc. Refused to go to a doctor with a cigarette in my mouth or pocket.


After 6 months of just quitting (no pills or patch) I saw a DR who took X-rays etc, and said I was healthy, go live and don't start smoking again. I never looked back and never took another drag.


Can't stand smoke now, and am looking forward to smokeless buildings the first of the year in Illinois. Although, I still don't see how it can be legal to tell a business that if they have willing employees, and customers, that they can't smoke. All I need is a sign saying smoke free or not, and I will go where I choose. No, I am not in favor of smoking, but I think this law is too much. But I will enjoy getting to watch my son's bowl without having to take a shower and change clothes after! (they don't smoke, but the bowling alley is lousy with smokers).


Good luck with quitting, and just resolve never to touch them again, it is easier for some, but stay away from smoky places till it disgusts you. At that point, you can go in and not worry. You will save a BUNCH of money, I wouldn't smoke now at $30+ per carton....WOW, why does anyone smoke?



Can't stand smoke now, and am looking forward to smokeless buildings the first of the year in Illinois. Although, I still don't see how it can be legal to tell a business that if they have willing employees, and customers, that they can't smoke. All I need is a sign saying smoke free or not, and I will go where I choose. No, I am not in favor of smoking, but I think this law is too much. But I will enjoy getting to watch my son's bowl without having to take a shower and change clothes after! (they don't smoke, but the bowling alley is lousy with smokers).


Good luck with quitting, and just resolve never to touch them again, it is easier for some, but stay away from smoky places till it disgusts you. At that point, you can go in and not worry. You will save a BUNCH of money, I wouldn't smoke now at $30+ per carton....WOW, why does anyone smoke?




Pretty much all public buildings, etc are legislated smoke free here in Canada with some exceptions such as pubs. They can have "smoke rooms" but there are stringent rules on how those rooms are built. Several pubs have outside areas where smokers go and now they (the government bodies, etc) are pushing to make those areas smoke free also. They are even pushing to stop smokers from hanging around the entrances to public places while they smoke.


Cartons of cigs here cost at least $70. & up depending on brand and where you buy them. Wasn't long ago I went through a carton a week easy just myself. I expect to save close to $300 a month... wife will save about half that. wwwooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!


Like Yogi Berra once said, "90 percent of this game is half mental" The first three days suck. After a week, you will find you think about them less and less. Don't hang out with any smokers for a few weeks. Quit for one cigarette at a time. When you want a cig, just say not right now. The craving will go away in a few minutes. The cravings will get further apart. You can do it. You have a lot of support here from people that have walked in your shoes! Now that you have told us all you're going to try - you will have us to answer to!

purge the house of the yellow drapes, yellow, wall paper, yellow paint, yellow anything covered in smoke. Get ready for the big purge in a year or so.


I REALLY hope you kick this and enjoy a smoke free LOOOOOOONG life.




Thanks !


One thing I stopped doing several years ago is smoke in the house so don't have that problem of everything yellow.

Now that you have told us all you're going to try - you will have us to answer to!


CRAP!!! I never thought of that! .... guess it's too late now huh?




just don't drink with those new pills...I heard something about alcohol and the pills mixed causing very bad mental problems.


What about pot?


:sign20::sign just kidding:




I quit over 10 years ago using the "patch". Smoked close to two packs a day for over twenty years. I believe that regardless of the method used you have to want to. If you're religious, pray. If not ask someone to pray for you, I'll start the ball rolling!!

WV Terry

Quit Cold Turkey 20 years ago. Turned it over to Jesus Christ and He helped me every step of the way. Never looked back but sometimes in my dreams I am still smoking...



Bob has got the right idea, it worked for me like throwing the desire out the window at 100+mph. I'll say a prayer for you bro.


just don't drink with those new pills...I heard something about alcohol and the pills mixed causing very bad mental problems.


URBAN LEGEND , at least in my case. beer has NO effect on mood, or cravings.

course , i only drink , when i'm alone. - - - - - - or with someone!


just jt


lifestyles have to change, in order to quit smoking. for instance, a cold beer "demands a smoke".

first cup of coffee, in the morning ,wants a cigarette.

so , instead of coffee, first rattle out of the box, you might have to drink a glass of juice, or something,besides coffee. to break the chain of events.



I'm with Kit, Boo and others. Quitting is easy, it's the whole not starting again that's tough. :rotf:


I quit a few times but it didn't really stick until I had it in my mind that this was it. Then it was cold turkey. For me it was after we moved to a new house. My daughter (then about 8) was being bombarded with all the anti-smoking propaganda at school. We agreed that the new house would be a non smoking house.


My wife & I would sit on the front porch and have a couple after putting the kids to bed. Well after about a week or two, my daughter came down looking for a glass of water and caught us. She was devastated and the guilt was enough to push both my wife and I over the edge. We haven't smoked since - over a decade ago.


So my experience is when you sincerely make up your mind that you're done it works a lot better - and it's easier.


LOL... one thing my wife and I are noticing is our timing of things is way off. Our routine in the morning WAS... get up, grab a coffee, go out on the deck and drink that coffee, maybe even another while we smoked one or 2 cigs each...well, at least I did. Then head for the shower, get dressed, grab another coffee and a smoke, have brekkie, jump in the car, have another smoke or 2 on the way to work. We'd get up at 5:30 and hit the road by about 7.


Now, we get up..she hits the shower right away, I grab 1/2 cuppa coffee...down a few gulps and hit the shower. She doesn't smoke at all in the morning. We both get dressed then I get a bit more coffee and have 2 or 3 puffs. We then have brekkie and.... hey!!! we're 1/2 hour ahead of ourselves...it's 6:30! what do we do now for 1/2 hour! Time to change the alarm and sleep an extra 1/2 hr!


She doesn't smoke all day until she gets home. I've cut down to 3 or 4 cigs from first getting up to arriving home after work. I'll then have maybe another 2 before bed time. Each day I am cutting down a bit more so that by next Monday (Tuesday is butt out day), I will be pretty much off the cigs all together and have slowly changed my habits.


The pills are starting to work because I am getting at least one of the side effects. I had some of the wildest dreams last night EVER! LOL


Hey man good luck I was smoking almost 2 packs a day quit 16 years cold turkey. It will get easier GOOD LUCK AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Good Luck I am smoke free for 1 year. My drug of choice was CHANTIX it did the job for me. Very few side effects, I was a 2 pack a day smoker for 30 + years. Best of luck!!!!!!!



Wow!! 69 reply posts in 2 days......

that's the "magic" number!!




yes, there's a lot of support, encouragement, and advice. So very much appreciated...thank you all once again!


For married folk who are trying to quit, the best program I know if is the Afta Program.



awrite!... now I just h..afta ask... what's the afta program? ?? ??

awrite!... now I just h..afta ask... what's the afta program? ?? ??



:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: You only get to smoke AFTAsx. Then, when you are down to once a month or less, yah don't have any problem quitting..... :duck:



Need an update Silvr. How's things going?


Pretty good... I kept it down to mebbe 3 smokes from the time I woke up 'till I got home after work yesterday. Then I had a whole one. Wife got home and we changed to go out for dinner, drinks & dancin. We shared one before we went out but didn't take any with us. Got home around midnight, had 2 puffs and went to bed. I've had 2 puffs..no 3 puffs this morning so far and I've been up for 1.5 hrs. I made a mistake on "butt out" day... it's actually Monday that will be the first day of no smoking.

:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: You only get to smoke AFTAsx. Then, when you are down to once a month or less, yah don't have any problem quitting..... :duck:




AFTAsx?... once a month? who is that lucky? If I followed that program, I'd be a non-smoker today!



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