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:whistling:the ride was great,temp 38 d to 90 d,over 2000 mls,super great weather,don't thank we saw a cloud west of I 35,big chille cook off this comming week end,many,many traval trailer,and motor homes,realy the traffic was lite


maybe i will have a wirless laptop,for my next trip,looking for one

big ps,don't ride to the hot springs,glad i did it but don't recamend it


Glad you had a good time Lowell. Go ahead and splurge on one of them new fangled laptops that are wireless and get high speed.

Glad you had a safe time Lowell and back in one piece. Where's the next trip to?




Recil (my ridding partner) and I had a WONDERFUL TIME !!!:thumbsup2::thumbsup2::thumbsup2: A whole 10 seconds after we met up with Bill P, Lowell and the rest we felt just like part of the gang...:hurts::hurts:


THANKS !!!!!!!!


Here's a few pictures.... I'm sure the others will have more :clap2::clap2:

















Yes a good time was had by all!:322:Was great meeting up with Reciel and yourself!

The trip home was uneventful. Rich's radio was dead , and that was the only problem we encountered in over 1500 miles of riding. The weather held up all weekend. I will try to post some pic tonight.

Gary and Lowell rode straight thru to home Sunday, they arrived safe around 7:30 pm.

We stopped in Langtry to check out the Judge Roy Bean Welcome Center again. We mostly stop to see what is blooming in the garden. They have a really nice garden center with all native plants ,and walking trails. And its a good place to stretch your legs and move around.

I'm off to work for now.


Bill P

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