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Should "Cupcake" stay?


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OK Folks,


Many of you know the shenanigans that went on at MD this year. Kregerdoodle (formerly Kbay) did a great job of punking me and embrodered "Cupcake" on me favorite Navy cap. You can all absolutely trust me in when I say I WILL get Kreg back, and it will be epic....but here's the question for y'all.


We all know that some folks have gone through name changes here. There was the time that Black Owl turned himself into 3 headed dog man along the river Styx...or something like that. That one didn't last too long and he magically turned himself back into an owl again (like clash of the titans) So my question to folks is....do I really seem like a "Cupcake" to you :confused24: I mean dont get me wrong, I LOVE Cupcakes! they are fantastic. I have no problems with my new name, and some are catching on to it and referring to me as it, so should I keep it forever and ever....and yes I am strong enough to be know as "Cupcake" as long as I am on this site :)

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Man I could go on for a half an hour on this one but............


If you're comfortable wearing Spandex tights and a satin wife beater.....Cupcake is probably appropriate and I'll have your back ...er ....that don't sound right.....I'll still be your buddy....geesh......I'll still think you're tops........ah hell Brad! Stick with Squidley!!

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Squidley - my first encounter with you was @ MD 2009, you sync'd my carbs and complimented my 'new' 2 tone Venture. In my estimation, you will have to make some SERIOUS life style changes before I will EVER call you ( what's embroidered on your hat )


Have a great day, what ever your decision is -




:smile5: :smile5: :smile5:


btw - I changed my screen name because of a tattoo - I'll tell about it when we meet again

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Since we have never met in person I can't actually say you are a Squidley or a Cupcake. All I can say is that I had a realy smart a$$ comment to make and now I forgot it. Dang!


Hey what ever works for you my friend. Just stay away from ButterCup, and no I can't explain that in any detail.


We have always know you as Squidley so lets do that and when we want to get under your skin we will bring up the Cupcake thing. OTAY?


Now pass the cupcakes and lets get on with it.


Have a great 4th and keep the shiney side up.



Bubber, who has plenty of pygmies anonymously sent to him postmarked Looezeanner. Imagine that!

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Don't know you personally, but you don't reflect a "Cupcake " persona! Have no doubt that a big although friendly pay back is coming to your buddy for the name, you sound like you can give as much as you can take! So, being a former squid myself, I say do what feels good and enjoy!



:dancefool: :clap2: :thumbsup2:

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