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Customized Guardian Bells


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OK folks...another update. I've now received some quotes. The first one scared me a bit. Usable model and production tooling $875.00. Then the price per bell. That scared me a bit.


I've since gotten a couple more quotes though that cut the model and tooling cost to about half that. I knew that this was going to cost me some money up front but not THAT much. Anyway, my goal is to get these with our logo and be able to sell them for about the same price as the mass produced ones that are all over the Internet. That would be between $8.00 and $12.00 per bell. I know that's a pretty wide range but I'm obviously shooting for the lower end.


I'll keep you posted but I do think this is going to happen.


Hey Don why not make Bell with Yanmahas Star logo so you can propose bells to other Star Forums ( V-Star, Strat / Roady.....) Youll have a quantity and Star Riders or something

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Hey Don why not make Bell with Yanmahas Star logo so you can propose bells to other Star Forums ( V-Star, Strat / Roady.....) Youll have a quantity and Star Riders or something


That might be stepping into copy right infringement there.

I'm still in thou. Even embroidery shops have a fee up front for logo/pattern work.


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Don , that price for set up is kinda steep if you ask me . As it looks , there are many bells to be made , that the setup fee should be absorbed into the production cost . I did castings , lost wax was my specialty as I also did silver-smithing during my apprenticeship as a saddle maker . I may still have some contacts to look into if you want me too . Bells are not a problem in design , the Logo is what I need .



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I'm getting some better quotes now. It's not just the setup fee. They first have to make a model of the bell with our logo integrated into it. A model maker will do that. Then the mold is made from the model. I'll let you know but right now I'm getting some decent quotes with setups about half that and less.

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