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survived a motorcycle accident...got rearended by a dumb a$$ trying to use a left turn lane for a passing lane. came out with a headache and a smashed up bike. i was waiting at a red light to turn left; after the light turned green i waited for several oncoming cars, and just started moving when i got hit; two cars involved, the one behind me was hit by someone behind him. the guy responsible tried to convince me to just accept $2000 rather than report it it! NOT--i expect the bike was totaled.


Man, people just don't think. Had a buddy tell me today, he was on the way home yesterday, minding his own business, noticed a pickup coming up kinda quick from behind. The next thing he knew the bike started shaking, he looked back & the pickup was close enough he could touch it, didn't hit him but it was a guy he worked with, he was just "playing around":bang head:. Could of got somebody killed. If people would just use thier head for something besides a hat rack.:soapbox: I'll go back to my corner now, glad you're allright, bike can allways be fixed or replaced, you can't!


Rip - There is no excuse for that kind of accident. sounds like it could have happened to any of us. I feel for you and I hope the driver who caused it was charged and pays enough to trigger a change in his driving style. Good to hear that you were not hurt more than you were.


I always keep an eye on what is going on behind me. Coming back from Nelson on the Hope/Princeton there was a semi in front of my wife who was driving her van. I was behind her with a B train tanker riding my back. We were doing 120K ( 75 mph) in the rain through the twisties. I watched the second unit of the B train fishtail several times but he would not back off. There was no place for us to pull over. I kept an eye out for escape routes just in case. If the semi in front had hit the brakes we would have been the meat in the sandwich.

On the other hand, 101F in the shade here on Saltspring and lots of G+T handy and no place to be. Kinda makes up for it.

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