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I am a new member though I have read the posts for quite some time. Like many other Venture riders I found out too late that the generator (stator) power out put on the '99 on Royal Star Venture is sadly lacking at only 406 watts. I ride a '05

Through research I came across Electrex World in the UK who manufacture generators. I know from reading the treads that someone had gone to Electrosport in the USA about a larger stator with out any luck. That post seems to have disappeared.

Electrex World in the UK is the manufacturer and lists a generator G108 that fits the "Royalstar 1300, VMAX850, VMAX1200, XVZ1200, XVZ1300" as listed on their site

I had thought it would fit and work on the RSV with a 30% increase in power alas it does not, I thought it was worth opening up the crankcase cover and have a look to see.

As this is a major shortcoming of the Venture the following is a copy of an email I received today from Electrex World that may be of interest to the members on this forum.

Hello David

Sorry about the problem that you have encountered, there does indeed appear to be more than one size of generator. Of course, if you return the unit, we will refund you in full. If you are interested, we can make a prototype unit higher power than the original, but you would need to send your original stator as a pattern.


Peter Houghton

Electrex World Limited

Tel: **44 (0)1491 682369

Fax: **44(0)1491 682286


Registered in England & Wales Company No. 40306310

Registered Office address Unit 44 Vanalloys Business Park, Stoke Row, Oxfordshire. RG9 5QW

VAT number GB 785 299 174

I replied saying my stator was not available but I would check the salvage yards here which I did, but none are available. The other option I mentioned to Peter is I would check with an owners group to see if there was anyone who did have one available and wanted to move forward on this.


So here is the post


I know from reading the treads that someone had gone to Electrosport in the USA about a larger stator with out any luck. That post seems to have disappeared.

If I remember correclty, Squidley was the one who did sent his stator to Electrex in california.




I replied saying my stator was not available but I would check the salvage yards here which I did, but none are available.

This would be a great thing if someone had an extra one laying around to send in and let them use as a model..

maybe get one from a wrecked RSV...:whistling:


RickH---------he's on the other site!! and he has done research and has a co. that refurbishes ya'lls 2nd gen stators---------w/more power ==thicker windings,larger wiring---i believe that he supply's 2 gaskets-------he does an exchange-----your old one------fer a "new' one ---------$$$$$$$$$$$$---u will have to check w/him-----buckeyeperformance.com---------do a Google search------u don't c him on here much????????????????:thumbsup2::thumbsup2::usa:---------


Actually it WAS Squidley that was working with Electrex or some company. They actually built him a high capacity stator and he installed it and had a lot of problems. I think he ended up with a burned out regulator among other things. He ended up going back to stock.


For Freebird - I read the previous threads with interest because I would like to get more wattage, November riding is usually cold up here and more juice for heat would be nice. From what I remember about the thread - was that the company in the US was ElectroSport also know as ElectrexUSA, who are a part of Electrex UK but it seems at a very long arms length, maybe they don’t talk. Electrex in the UK as the the actual manufacturer perhaps they could get it done. Did you have any idea what the reason was for the trouble on the previous attempt? Why did it burn out the regulator / rectifier? Also would you have the name of the person from ElectrexUSA who worked on this. I could send it to Electrex in the UK and save starting from scratch.

For Freebird - I read the previous threads with interest because I would like to get more wattage, November riding is usually cold up here and more juice for heat would be nice. From what I remember about the thread - was that the company in the US was ElectroSport also know as ElectrexUSA, who are a part of Electrex UK but it seems at a very long arms length, maybe they don’t talk. Electrex in the UK as the the actual manufacturer perhaps they could get it done. Did you have any idea what the reason was for the trouble on the previous attempt? Why did it burn out the regulator / rectifier? Also would you have the name of the person from ElectrexUSA who worked on this. I could send it to Electrex in the UK and save starting from scratch.


I don't have all the details. You should shoot Squidley a PM or an email. He can fill you in on all the details.


Sounds to me like too much amperage for the size connectors used at the factory. Don't forget, they are doubling the output of the stock stator. Hardwiring those weak links seems to have corrected any problems they had. 5000 miles , troubefree!



I've got the 04 RSV that has the stator in it from Buckeye Performance. I now have 7000 miles on it with no problems, other than that connector, which is now hard wired. Works great.

If you have any questions you can contact Rick Haferkamp at http://www.buckeyeperformance.com/ . He's a good guy to work with, and can supply you with what you need or want for your RSV.

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