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So, What was the verdict on your valve shims? How many needed to be adjusted and were they tight or loose?


Do you notice a difference in the way it runs, if so, what difference?

So, What was the verdict on your valve shims? How many needed to be adjusted and were they tight or loose?


Do you notice a difference in the way it runs, if so, what difference?


Ask Swifty, if there is any improvement, he most likely rode it further and harder than Don since it was done. :think:




But then Swifty wouldn't have any frame of reference for the before, now would he?


Last I knew it was iffy whether he'd still be on the site anymore. :sign20:


Don's bike had only about 30,000 miles on it, so it was basically just due for the first valve check. All valves were within spec, with one MINOR exception (and not truly an exception). A single exhaust valve was right at max clearance. We did have a shim that would pull that clearance into the middle of the spec so we changed it, but technically, it was OK just as it was.



Kent answered the technical part so I'll just say that no, I didn't notice any difference in the way it runs. I wouldn't expect to though because like he said, all were technically within spec. There is a real peace of mind factor though in knowing that they are OK. It was worth doing and very good training. It is a good sized job and I would dread doing it again but am confident that I could do so.

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