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Laura and I just pulled in a little bit ago. It was fun being as we were ther newbies to maintenence dahy and had no idea of what to do or expect. Thanks Don and Elileen for alowing us to borrow a piece of your realestate to place pur tent.



On the way home we met up with Patricia, Jrichard and one other rider.Sorry we didnt catch your name . And then today in the blue ridge parkway we met Midnite and his lovely other half. We were setting talking at a overlook to a couple that was hiking the trail on their way to Roanaoke for the night and eventually to geargia to their destination. It was mentioned that they were running a little low on food and being as we were on wheels and they were on their feet we just had to feed them. Cant stand to see someone hungry when I got food. And besides we had been eating ham sandwithes for 3 days and was just plain sick of it. They were happy and their dog was too...Good luck my friends.



After that we hit the slabs to get on home and ran into rain. Thank god for dry ducks.





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