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For_Paws and myself would thank you very much for taking the short cut when we crossed into Canada .We really enjoyed the ride into the tunnel that was wild and loud Man the Bub pipes on BradT scoot was FREAKING LOUD


I'll bet the loud pipes was Rhonda's new scoot....Brad set em up so he can't hear her hollering at him....:Laugh:

Boomer....who's got nothing but good things to say about that crazy woman from Canada.:rasberry:

I'll bet the loud pipes was Rhonda's new scoot....Brad set em up so he can't hear her hollering at him....:Laugh:


Boomer....who's got nothing but good things to say about that crazy woman from Canada.:rasberry:

You are correct, I forgot about hers


No I set them that way, the man talks so much I even have to go to a different channel on the cb. Bommer you be nice or their will be no more Candian welcomes :63: :bighug:



Yah and it does not help when you drop a gear and turn it on, sorry Charlie but we had to come back up the other side.



...Brad set em up so he can't hear her hollering at him....


Got her a CB so I don't have to read lips, as I will never hear her yelling at me.



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