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good news,bad news


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hello every one, james can go home tuesday.

they got him up to walk some today. and he was pushing him self hard to get around the whole floor. he did good. balance a little off. some PT and use his cane and lose some weight. he be ready for next years MD if all goes well and my job stays in illinois i might go there with him. the family still wants him to drive the car. there next year. he said he,s okay with that. he said he might look for a used pickup and haul the bike down there just so he can say he rode with the group. his daughter said where going to have to take the keys away from him for the bike. at least for a month. till his balance gets better. i have it locked in the garage. for the cost of doing that bike. it stops real good.

his next plan if we let him. is pull the plastics off? he wants cracks fixed and a repaint. the family wonders what that will cost? if he,s good we might pitch in and do that for him for xmas. so anyone here do paint jobs, and can we ship the parts after he pulls them. to anyone that does that. well i took to many days off and this is my last one so. im going to take it for myself he,s in good hands. tell big tom the nurse said he was a good boy so he gets a small cup of ice cream james is excited about that. well every one from james and I have a good day.

ps james said since im on here now i need a name?

so fire away if ya got any good ones i can use.

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Glad to hear you're doing better, and will go home soon. Take your time and don't rush it. It sounds like you have excellent people taking care of you.




How about "Goatkeeper"? lol



EDIT: I like Nannygoat too... good one Dingy

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Glad to hear you're doing better, and will go home soon. Take your time and don't rush it. It sounds like you have excellent people taking care of you.




How about "Goatkeeper"? lol



EDIT: I like Nannygoat too... good one Dingy

I was trying to be creative???????? YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! doesn't often work.


I really like Nannygoat. You are looking after him real well, ain't ya? So he's a goat and you the nanny.

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sssshhhhhhh everyone it,s me oldgoat.

dianne snuck her laptop in so i have to make it quick. plus i have a male nurse tonight. a big brute.



. but dont worry cupcake if i need help i will call.


now i got to get off of here that male nurse will be doing his rounds soon

well im gone for now. he,s about 5 rooms down so im off Oldgoat



Hope he wasn't trying to give you a sponge bath.:yikes: Oh wait, cupcake was going to handle him :Laugh:

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every one its dianne. i had to tell james his bike was not fixed we had a little fight. they have racked up 800.0 of his and my money. and now called me and said thats just parts. but when they removed the right muffler it broke from rust and needs a exhaust part that runs on the bottom to the rear. i have no idea what that is?collector???? i have no more money to get parts right now as he doesnt as well. i called and said stop work on the bike they said they want the labor money they done before bike can be taken out of there garage? i have no idea what it is they will call me monday.

i know its not right to ask for donations or someone to call this shop. and help me. if someone has this part maybe i can at least buy that. this is going to cause problems. with james and I sorry for comming here to ask for help.

good bye for now



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monty and every one im sorry about dianne.

im useing my daughters laptop. and asked if i can get out as soon as doctor makes his final rounds im angry at her. im sick and she lied to me.

the bike is locked up at the shop the brakes are fixed he jacked dianne and I around 800 for just the parts now to remove the bike i have to pay labor he didnt state how much? but said right muffler pipe broke off at collector. my daughter went to see it and he showed her that a piece of rusty pipe is in the muffler and with a mirror showed her that indeed the collector is broke there. so im trying to get out of here and see waht the heck is going on? im in need of the collector. bad. any one has one let me know please. and im so ashamed at what she done if you need this old goat to go away i understand. i think she thought that i would be in here for a while so she could get the bike out. but the lie i wont accept.

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From what I'm reading between the lines, she didn't want you to know that it was still in the shop and not fixed. Don't sweat it my man, she was probably just trying to make sure that you didn't get upset. Sounds like you have enough on your plate right now.


Do you have a PayPal account? If so, shoot me your PayPal email address. I would be happy to donate a few bucks to the cause.



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From what I'm reading between the lines, she didn't want you to know that it was still in the shop and not fixed. Don't sweat it my man, she was probably just trying to make sure that you didn't get upset. Sounds like you have enough on your plate right now.


Do you have a PayPal account? If so, shoot me your PayPal email address. I would be happy to donate a few bucks to the cause.





I can assure you that many on here would as well.



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well the doc wont let me out but said i can play on this laptop till 11.00 pm and i got my own room. as for dianne i sent my daugher Amber to her house to say im sorry. after i got a butt chewing from her. im the only male here so i wont win. i think your right guys she was trying to keep the motorcyle from upsetting me more. im 51 and 2 30 year old women are teaching me? as for help yeah i can use it. trust me i will pay this back when im on my feet. but if anyone can find a collector that will be a great help as well. i can trade a 1984 complete dash with just over 18,000 on it wire bulbs and all. i just need to get the bike away from this shop.

here is my paypal



ok where you guys learn so much about women?

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ok where you guys learn so much about women?



BoomerCPO would be the one to ask about women.


He has a knack with them.


And Pygmies.


I think he is looking for one now to sew his pants up.



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It's all good James, Dianne has been a trooper through this and I dont think being mad at her is a good path. I can understand your frustration though, she is a good friend to you and your apology will have to be met with a bit of humble pie on your behalf so to speak. We all get mad at friends from time to time, apologising is a good start....and with your statements I think "Goatkeeper" is a good name for her


It will all work out bud, we'll all work through this and get the bike out and running again :thumbsup2:

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for those who can, let's see if we can help old goat get his bike out of the shop. Little something coming your way, dude.



aka slick97spirit



I know where there is a MKI in a MC junk yard right now. I'll go over today and see if they have the collector and if is any good. Wish me luck guys :thumbsup2:


James--any other parts you may need? Let me know and I'll check for you. Don't worry about cost,we will figure something out.

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I'm sure she has been very stressed out, worrying about you, and the motorcycle on top of that. It's easy to get overwhelmed. I think she has been a really good friend, and was just doing what she could do, and did what she thought was in your best interest. I hope you two get everything worked out.


Regarding the collector, they are VERY hard to come by. When I took my pipes off my '83, I saw that one side of the collector outlet was rotted away, so I removed the collector and took it to a muffler shop. They cut off the rusty outlets, and welded on new pipe. We also took out all of the loose material that was rattling around inside. The trick to the outlets, is getting the angles just right. It was the only option I had, as I couldn't find a collector anywhere.


This sounds like the same thing that happened to you.




I thought I had taken pictures of what it looked like after we were done, but I can't find them.

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