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Maintenance Day via satilite


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Can some one supply the MD address so I can get a close-up of the gathering.


I have access to a US military rental satilite with capabilities to read license plates from outer space. :bluesbrother:


If I can't be there in person I will be spying on them from my control room. :ignore::ignore::ignore:


Pictures update every 15 seconds so I should be able to catch a lot of them in the act. I am hoping to catch the first pictures of the pond monster ever from outer space. Oh ya those pesky little pygmies too. If Margaret reads this be by the pond at 1:00pm Saturday, on the diving board and wave so I know which one you are. :yikes::yikes:

Edited by Bubber
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Speaking of satillites, it's now 4:20 PM in Chi-town and there's a sever line of 60 - 80 mph winds and thunder storms coming through. This is expected to hold together into Ohio.

Better batten down the hatches and make sure the tent pegs are in deep!

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That same set of storms just blew thru Milwaukee and SE WI, North IL.

Lots of down trees and power lines. Straight line winds of 76mph with veary heavy rain and hail.

It sure looks like they have a bead on northern Ohio.


I sure hope someone out there has an eye on this one.

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WEB CAST of today's events will start at 9:00am


Sign up for the fun watching your friends and new family enjoy MD with out you. Wait they may not be your friends if they did that with out you. LOL :Cool_cool36::Cool_cool36::Cool_cool36:


Freebird will need two weeks vacation just to recover from the two day event.


wait, if he is running MD, we are the alone in the candy store. Anything goes?

Lets talk politics! LMAO

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We didn't get a drop of rain. I TOLD you folks that I would take care of the weather.....geeezzzzzzzzzz.....I get NO respect. :doh:



Thats not true...little respect (maybe}............but "No Respect"...thats just not true.... :rasberry: :rasberry:

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I saw some realy nice pictures posted here. To bad the satilite was aimed at the neighbors house. I missed all the tom foolery and trouble getting into.

Sure looks like everyone had a great time and didn't commit any felonies or any thing like that.

Thanks Don for the great show and getting the chance tolive vicariously through others.


Maybe next year is the year for me.

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