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I miss it so much.....


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Take your time and make your own decision on how you want to live your life and be remembered. It was less than a year ago after a routine checkup a doctor came back and mentioned the "C" word. At that time I had two young kids and my wife was about 6 months pregnant. I took the next few weeks deciding what was important in my life. The tumor was benign, but I'm still a long ways from being out of the woods yet today. I've learn to thank God for each additional day and live it to the fullest. I probably ride more carefully now a days knowing how much my wife and three kids depend on me, but dad wouldn't be dad if I wasn't riding. Apparently God has further plans for me and only he knows when that time will come. Take your time to think about it, and discuss it with Him and your wife. And anytime you need our two cents, we are always here too.....

I know what you mean.......well not the 3 kids part.......life is short.



Follow your heart you have plenty of time to ride later. i took a break for about 15years because the my wife wasn't bike friendly and being a newlywed i was happy to make her happy. then one day about year 15 I said enough. So that being said take your time follow your heart. if its ment to be then it will happen.

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We were wiped out by a bus (I was a passenger on my buddy's bike) on a major highway...he hit a 4x4 road sign post as he was rolling and was dead before we got to the hospital.


If he was in a cage he would have been just fine.


I ended up with a few bumps and bruises..not much else other than the psycho side of it.


Most of us have injuries from various causes...they heal.


For about 2 years after the accident every time I heard screeching rubber...brakes or acceleration...I would "brace for impact"...cold sweats and all ...but eventually....that too passes.


If biking is something near and dear to you...something that you just can't imagine doing without...then I'm sure your wife will understand. That's what love is all about!

It is just her fear talking!. She too will get over that.

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I gave up riding when my 1st son was born. I wanted to be there for him more so than being on 2 wheels. My 2nd son came 18 months after the first son. There was many a day I would hear bikes roaring by my house and it hurt bad not being able to get out there.


When my boys were old enough (teens) to realize how much I had given up for them THEY urged me get back on 2 wheels.


I KNOW I could die out there on the asphalt every time I climb on the scoot. It's a risk I am willing to take...I figger if I made it through 3 Combat Tours in Nam then the good Lord really don't want me UP there raising hell in his yard.


Go with what your heart feels when you are talking to your wife about this. She is the one who's going to bear the brunt of anything bad happening to you out there on 2 wheels. Folks who claim to be your friends won't be there for you like she will I assure you. IMHO you are not at a point in your life that warrants being selfish and and jumping on 2 wheels regardless of what your wife has expressed to you.


Boomer.....who sez ya better value the love of a good woman above all else because they are harder to find than hen's teeth....and I know that very well from experience my friend.

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Know what you are going thru. My wife was riding on the back heading up to the Iwo Jima Memorial on Memorial Day weekend and I went thru a herd of deer on 288 around 60 plus mph. My wife has some road rash and a compound fracture of her ankle, I ended up in the median and the bike upside down in the left lane. Fortunately my buddy who was following didn't go down and helped get my wife out of the street before the cars got us. The first four passed us, one actually blew his horn at us. Finally some people stopped and helped us while we waited for the ambulance. Draged two dead deer off the road and the bike. I've been riding since I was 17 am now 59 and I am hanging it up. I very rarely go out without my wife on the back and I will NEVER again go thru dragging her off the road, and she will get back on if I get another. So I am now going to get a convertable and make the best of it. Will I miss it, you bet, will I wish I was riding, absolutely, but the memory of my wife laying in the street bloodied up and a broken leg will keep me in a car. Family has to take precedence. Wish you luck with your decision. Hope it comes as easy as mine did.

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Thanks for all the new posts.


I saw my orthopedic doctor today and didn't get a good report. Structurally everything is okay, but having some major nerve problems. The pain is incredible and just won't stop. I have been refered to a neurologist for further testing to see if the nerves can be fixed or it's a more permanent thing. I sure hope things can be fixed.


Sonnyboy, your story brought tears to my eyes. Had my wife been with me that day, I more than likely would have had to plan a funeral. I myself am very lucky to be alive. For the time being I will have to stick with a car as I am in no condition to ride a bike. Getting back on is a very tough decision I will have to make in the future.



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I think you are having trouble making the decision because you know what you must do, and you really don't want to. But family is what matters, riding is fun but family makes life worthwhile.


Have faith in yourself that when the time comes to make a choice you will make the right one. My wife would get back on a bike as soon as she heals up. But I won't ever put her in that situation again....ever. No 'wind in my face' or beautiful country road will ever take the place of the fear I felt holding her head in my lap on the side of the road. I'll look across at her from the bucket seat of a convertable and be just fine with that.


I will pray for your recovery and hope for your family to grow and occupy your time in watching and sharing with them, the exploration of this wonderful world we live in.

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First get healed up! I do have a suggestion for after that and giving yourself time to actually make that decision.


After you are healed, pick up an old bike for next to nothing. Restore it or mod it. Doing either you won't be riding it for a year or two but you will have something to tinker with and make your own.


When it is complete and you have made your decision, ride it to get some skills back or sell it. If you sell it, you at least had your heart and mind in a bike even though you have not ridden it. It might be soothing to your soul.


I enjoyed tinkering with momma's bike and making it fit her.

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