Guest human4m Posted May 25, 2010 #1 Posted May 25, 2010 I haven't been here in a while to see how eveyone's doing... Last week a pit bull that belongs to the neighbors was let off-leash and killed our youngest dog, Taffy. She was a funny-lookin' breed, a mix between a Shih-Tzu and a Miniature Pinscher. She wasn't even 2 years old yet, and was the ABSOLUTE sweetest animal you could imagine, and would fall asleep if anyone rubbed her little belly. Weighing in at 5lbs, she was no match for the 90lb Pit that crushed her body, broke her back, 2 legs, cracked her skull open, and mauled her torso in a matter of 15 seconds. She was still barely alive (Bleeding out and unable to breathe) when I ran back outside (after getting my gun) but the pit bull was nowhere to be seen. I had to put her down myself, and it's the hardest thing I've had to do in a LONG time. I included some pictures of her as a puppy, and a recent one with her boyfriend, Murphy. (who is VERY sad about the loss of his best friend.) As if I needed another reason to hate Pit Bulls, or the stereotypes that own them. Anyhow, we already took it up with Animal control, and they went as far as 'labeling the pit bull as dangerous.' That's it, simply because my dog wasn't on a leash (in my own dang yard) I'm working on a way to ensure the pit ceases to live as a result of high-velocity lead poisoning in the cranial region... No success yet. We are going to put up a simple wood post & wire-fence (since chain link was more than we could afford to have installed) and hope that will suffice in protecting our December-Due-Baby, 2 young girls, our Mini-Dachshund, and whatever dog we adopt next. If I'm not mistaken, I thought a VR Member owned a pet-shop, or a shelter of sorts in NC... I don't remember who it was, but we're soon to be looking for a new family member, and would love to keep it in the VR family too.
Guest seuadr Posted May 25, 2010 #2 Posted May 25, 2010 i'm really sorry for your loss. there is really no excuse for that sort of behavior from any type of dog. If you, as an owner, can't keep your dog in line, then you shouldn't have a dog if it is going to be dangerous. but this is america, and we are all free to be completly devoid of responsability, moral fiber, or even two braincells to rub together. I hope the lead poisioning goes well.
Sleeperhawk Posted May 25, 2010 #3 Posted May 25, 2010 saltydog and wife have a pet shop. sorry about your pet
Yamaman Posted May 25, 2010 #4 Posted May 25, 2010 My condolences. The loss of a loved one in that matter must be very traumatic. I would think that a responsible pet owner would offer to take care of the matter in an appropriate way. That is an animal that at the very least cannot be allowed to EVER roam free. If the owner can't guarantee to insure that, then it has to be found a new home or put down. I am the owner of a dog that is 1/2 staffordshire. (one of two breeds that can be considered pit bulls) The Staffordshire, or English bull terrier is smaller than the American bull terrier, the more commonly recognized pit bull, but still exhibits many of the same physical traits. She can certainly show aggresion towards other dogs while on our nightly walks, and she does occasionally bully our other dog, a border collie, but I have never known her to actully injure another dog. Our daughter has a very small dog quite similar looking to yours. (a shiz-tzu/duchshund mix) This pup will constantly annoy, jump at and nip both our dogs, and neither has ever shown any aggresion, thankfully. If any dog I owned ever harmed another dog or a person, I would willingly put it down. Your neighbor is looking at a huge liability should his dog ever harm a person, especially now that he knows what it is capable of. Shame on him for not doing the right thing now, before it happens again.
MasterGuns Posted May 25, 2010 #6 Posted May 25, 2010 Last August, while walking my Golden Retriever, she was attacked by a Pitt Bull even while she was on the leash. In the process of slamming into her at full speed ahead, he knocked us both down. He had ahold of her lower jaw and he was straddling me. I was doing all I could while laying on my back to get him to release his death bite on her. Finally, I stuck my middle finger as far as I could into one of his eye sockets at just about the same time as the POS owner made his way to where we was laying in the street. This guy is a real POS and was in a drunken stupor. Anyway, he finally got his Pitt of of me and my dog. Summer. In the process of defending Summer I ended up with three pretty severe bits just behing my right knee which took 14 stitches at the ER. Anyway to make a long story short, that mutt perished in December 09 from lead poisoning just like you guys discussed. For the life of me, I just can't figure out how. The jerk owner never asked about my condition nor how much it cost to get sewn up. Pitts should be banned from breeding. My Golden, Summer, is just fine. She too, is my best friend.
Bubber Posted May 25, 2010 #7 Posted May 25, 2010 It just sickens me to hear of pet being hurt like this. Pets are part of the family and I don't have the words to make it feel better I just know how awfull it is to lose a beloved pet especially as you described. My condolences! It isn't really the other dogs fault it is the owner's. Maybe the costs of your injuries will convince him to keep his dog under control. Sue his stupid a$$ and he may get the point. SO sorry to hear about your beloved pet. Steve
Hummingbird Posted May 25, 2010 #8 Posted May 25, 2010 I'm so sorry to hear of your loss and of course now the loss of a neighbor. Of course, the neighbor couldn't have been much of a contribution to the neighborhood if his idea of a pet is a menace. Again, I feel your loss.
mini-muffin Posted May 25, 2010 #9 Posted May 25, 2010 Sorry for you loss. I agree it's the owners not the dog. Any breed can be aggressive if the owner is a POS. I have a pit, also raised them for a while. Just had a hard time parting with the pups unless I knew who was gonna end up with them. Luckily all my pups went to homes with families. Unfortunately the worst they do is put down the dog in an attack nothing to the owners. Who should never be allowed to own another dog. Margaret
painterman67 Posted May 25, 2010 #10 Posted May 25, 2010 Salty dog and chrome rose have a pet store . I think its in new bern but not sure. So sorry to hear about your littlest family member . Ive had to put one down myself , so I feel your pain. I cried for the whole day and the dog wasnt mine.(mother-in-laws) As far as the pit goes it kneeds to be put down if possible as its aggresive. hate to see it happen as all pits are not bad. Had one get hit by a tractor trailer and with 3 pins in his back leg he was still the sweetest animal Ive ever had. Seems to me the owner needs a little attitude adjustment to me.. Again sorry for your lose(spelling) David
PastorPaul Posted May 25, 2010 #11 Posted May 25, 2010 Man I am sorry for your loss. As an individual I will by the lead for the lead poisoning party. As a pastor I will pray you do not have to go that far. Put it in the hands of the Lord and Let the police handle it. Ride safe, Ride hard, and Ride blessed.
bongobobny Posted May 25, 2010 #12 Posted May 25, 2010 I agree with Pastor Paul. Don't lower yourself to your neighbor's morals and standards! Justice WILL be served, either now or in the hereafter. I do indeed feel for your loss and understand your anger. I too will pray for you...
Aussie Annie Posted May 25, 2010 #13 Posted May 25, 2010 So sorry for the loss of your little buddy. Thank heavens it's against the law to own an American pit bull here.
painterman67 Posted May 26, 2010 #14 Posted May 26, 2010 OK Im not going to say anything after this , but lets stop knocking the American pit BUll. There areas many bites in america by various other dogs as pit bulls. their bites are just more vicious. I am a firm believer in the fact that a dog only learns what he is taught. Get him/her accustome to other dogs and peaple and that dog will not bite unless provocked. regardless of what breed. Owners make bad dogs not their breed type. Annie Im not taking pot shots at you but to hear how an entire country outlaws a pit bull because its dangerous is rediculous to me. You have species native to your country that would devestate an American Pit bull in seconds. these animals run around will. I know we are talking domesticated animals here so comparing wild to tame is apples to oranges is not wright, just wanting to know where we stop. The most dangerous animal on earth a human. david
midnightventure Posted May 26, 2010 #15 Posted May 26, 2010 I get so sick of hearing about the bad things that pit bulls do and the people that claim its just depends on how they are raised. A bird dog will point at birds with out any training because that is what it was bred to do. A pit bull was bred for fighting. I don't very often say any thing that I know will piss people off but this is a sore subject for me.
BuckShot Posted May 26, 2010 #16 Posted May 26, 2010 Don't know about the state that you live in, but in Ohio, we have a leash law---but on your own property, you do not have to have the dog on a leash if you are outside with it and not doing anything else but watching the dog. (if you are doing anything else they say you do not have control of your dog.) Had a dog warden tell me that when he stoped when I was mowing the lawn and my sheperd went after him, (in my yard) I yelled and the dog put on the skids and stood there and would not let him move. The dog warden said--You have control of your dog so I won't issue a warning ticket. Nice of him I thought. After I told the dog it was ok, the dog made up to him and acted like a pup. Dog warden also said, he wished more people trained their dogs to obey like mine obeyed.
painterman67 Posted May 26, 2010 #17 Posted May 26, 2010 midnightventure said: I get so sick of hearing about the bad things that pit bulls do and the people that claim its just depends on how they are raised. A bird dog will point at birds with out any training because that is what it was bred to do. A pit bull was bred for fighting. I don't very often say any thing that I know will piss people off but this is a sore subject for me. A soldier will kill on command. Was he bred to do that or taught to doit? David
hig4s Posted May 26, 2010 #18 Posted May 26, 2010 While any dog can be a raised to be a good dog, the fact remains pit bulls have been bred for a long time as a fighting breed. And all fighting breeds can inflict massive amounts of damage, much easier and faster than other dogs. And fighting breeds have been purposefully bred to not show any warning signs before attacking. From 1979 through 1994, attacks by dogs resulted in 279 deaths of humans in the United States. (Sacks JJ, Sattin RW, Bonzo SE. Dog bite-related fatalities from 1979 through 1988. JAMA 1989;262:1489-92; Sacks JJ, Lockwood R, Hornreich J, Sattin RW. Fatal dog attacks, 1989-1994. Pediatrics 1996; 97:891-5.) In the latter study, which covered six years, the researchers made these findings: There were 109 bite-related fatalities. 57% of the deaths were in children under 10 years of age. 81% of the attacks involved an unrestrained dog. The most commonly reported dog breeds involved were pit bulls (24 deaths), followed by Rottweilers (16 deaths), and German shepherds (10 deaths).
painterman67 Posted May 26, 2010 #19 Posted May 26, 2010 Again Im not argueing that fighting dogs inflict massive amounts of damage when the do attack. BUt they are not the only dogs that bite. BUt you dont hear of anyone wanting to get rid of allthe little dogs. What do we all call them ? Ankle bitters. Just because it doesnt hurt as bad doesnt make it any better. David
YamaDuck Posted May 26, 2010 #20 Posted May 26, 2010 midnightventure said: I get so sick of hearing about the bad things that pit bulls do and the people that claim its just depends on how they are raised. A bird dog will point at birds with out any training because that is what it was bred to do. A pit bull was bred for fighting. I don't very often say any thing that I know will piss people off but this is a sore subject for me. I agree 100%. I love animals, dogs, cats, turtles, etc... it doesn't matter what kind of animal it is. The fact is pit bulls should be bred out of existence. They were bred as a fighting dog and I do not know why anyone would want one. There are so many other breeds that are not as aggressive. Yes you can train any dog to be aggressive and mean but you have to try and train a pit not to be aggressive and mean. And yes it is the owners fault for not keeping the pit under control but I'm sure that owner thought their pit bull was harmless and well trained. Not going to happen with a pit bull. Everyone knows this and that is why a pit bull is on so many city and state list of aggressive breeds. I am very sorry for your loss. It did not have to happen.
midnightventure Posted May 26, 2010 #21 Posted May 26, 2010 I was raised in a home with 6 large dogs. I understand them very well. It amazes me to see people tell me that a dog won't bite when it has come out of it's yard after me and the only thing that is keeping it from biting me is the fact that I haven't turned my back on it. I used to do a lot of running and now walk a lot so it is an issue that comes up fairly often. We have a river here in Mo called the Current. It's called the Current because it flows pretty fast. I watched a fellow throw a rock the size of my head into about 3' foot of water repeatedly and a pit bull would go in and get it and bring it back out. There is no quit in these dogs.
Aussie Annie Posted May 26, 2010 #22 Posted May 26, 2010 didn't take it as being a pot-shot David. Agree with you that animals are taught, therefore look to the owner. The Am. pit bull was bred as a fighting dog, and here there is so much inter-breeding that it has created a real bad problem, with deaths occurring.It's not the only dog with restrictions on it...and all caused by dumb humans who think it sport to watch dogs' rip each other apart!!
saltcreep Posted May 26, 2010 #23 Posted May 26, 2010 Really sorry you had to go through that.. No excuse for dogs running loose, we have problems with it our neighborhood too... we have 4 dogs and love them dearly (3 newfies and a border collie mix)
Guest human4m Posted May 26, 2010 #24 Posted May 26, 2010 Well, they are the kind of people who walk their dog with tires, cinder blocks, and heavy chains strapped to it. They refuse to answer the door when I knock or the phone when I call. Animal control is seriously slacking on this one by doing nothing more than giving this dog a label of 'dangerous' when the world already knew that. It turns out installing my own fence isn't going to be any cheaper than calling Andy's Fence Co. Not exactly a great week.
1BigDog Posted May 26, 2010 #25 Posted May 26, 2010 Bridge Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together.... Author unknown...
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