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My 85 is at last on the road and I will enjoy every moment. I would like to thank everyone who has ever added their input to this site. What a big help. The weather is fine and all summer lays ahead. Planned trips are to Sudbury Ontario and the White Mountains in NH.




Looks like she's ready for a trip to Marcarl's this coming weekend, after all, it is an 85 right?

Might even be able to convince someone to balance the back seat for you and talk you right to the perfect address.


And I know exactly how you feel, I just finished mine a few months ago, I have to stop and look at it every time I walk by it.......:big-grin-emoticon:......


I love your color:thumbsup2:, I almost went with Black Cherry on mine, but had a change of heart, I am partial to Black.

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