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We have a few glitches to work out, sorry if this has already been covered. We have a zumo, Q2 multiset, and a 2 iphones and our bikes are a rstd and 1100 v-star.


We had no trouble pairing my Q2 with the zumo and then the iphone and the 2nd Q2 with my wifes iphone. If we're out on our own they work flawlessly, great reception to the zumo or phone, we're very pleased.


When we're riding together Deb's is clear but can hear my stereo over the q2. Certain songs just have to be loud :) On my end I hear a lot of wind coming from her system. Enough that it prevents the system from going to standby. Deb's windshield is lower and doesn't have the same protection from the wind as I do. We need to lessen that effect?? Any suggestions?


Next the zumo won't give voice commands to the headset when we're together and lastly after a stop and the zumo powers back up we can't talk bike to bike. By fluke we discovered if I try to make a phone call using the zumo and hang up, the intercom then works?


We deactivated voice activation on Deb's q2 which allowed the systems to go to standby when there's a break in conversation.


It would be nice to get the voice commands and lessen the wind buffeting. We have e-mailed cardo about the wind problem but haven't recieved a reply as of yet.


Has anyone had any of these problems? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Mark


Thank you for contacting the Cardo Systems Support Center.


To reduce wind noise customers have told us that putting tape on the

backside of the microphone often helps. If you look at the grill work on

the actual microphone, underneath the foam covering, this will be the

side that you can see a green circuit board with metal contacts inside

the microphone case grillwork. You can also use the larger spare

microphone foam located in the original packaging or find a larger

microphone sponge that will reduce more wind noise from a third party



I'll try this and post results



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