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Charlene Update..........................


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Charlene is out of surgery and back in her room now, they will have her up and walking after lunch. The Dr. said her hip was really bad, and said she should have had this surgery years ago....The doctors here are the best, on top of all the latest techniques, in fact they pioneer much of it at Emory Univ, which this is part of................She is still a little groggy, and has her pump for the pain which I have to keep reminding her to use..........It is unbeleivable how small the incision is for this type of surgery, its only about 4 inches long, and its on the front side of her hip, new technique only done by a couple of surgeons, the recovery time is much shorter and far less restrictions as to what she can do. We will she how well she walks after lunch..................:dancefool:

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Glad to hear she's doing well. The doc is funny she should have had the surgery sooner? Didn't the docs you took her to say she was too young or something. Glad it's over for her. She'll be up and running. Man Lewis it's gonna be like having a younger woman here shortly. :whistling:



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I just went through the same thing with my Dad over Christmas. He had his left ball and socket replaced, doc couldn't believe he was still walking. It's going to be a hard road, but she'll be better off for it...all the best to you both and give that sweetie a big hug for us


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Charlene is doing better, still in some discomfort, especially getting in and out of bed. Therapist were just here, she did a 10 minute walk around the floor she is on and did well, still has a way to go, Dr. said she might be able to go home tomorrow. Next step in therapy will be going up and down stairs...:bang head:......we got a bunch of them at home.


She and I thank you for all your prayers and well wishes............:thumbsup:

Lewis & Charlene

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