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I'm trying to stop a slow oil drip that appears to be coming from the left side of the crank/trans case. So I'm going to replace the clutch shaft oils seal (93109-08061-00), and the shift shaft oil seal (93102-12106-00, (SD 12-22-5 HS)). I was also gonna shim any loose or worn areas while I was in there. Is there anything else I should be looking at down there that may be causing the drip? I don't want to be having to crack open things any more than I have to.


Thanks, Bill


Not sure what kind of bike you have

XVZ12/13 has crush washer bottom bolt left transmission(middle gear) cover. May be all you need.


Are your referring to this little guy? #23 P/N 90430-06014-00


If so I'll check it out before I do any of the seals.


Thanks, Bill


While you're in there replace the O-ring on the neutral sensor. That's probably were you're leaking anyway.... Dingy has pics of the '84 style neutral switch.

Are your referring to this little guy? #23 P/N 90430-06014-00


If so I'll check it out before I do any of the seals.


Thanks, Bill



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