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Now in Boston


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Thanks folks. Just got home about an hour ago. All the tests went OK as far as I know. Tumor shows to be receding in size and they say that as long as it's getting smaller, then it is contained and not spreading also. So, the news is good for now. Back again in another 6 months. Sure does get old but I suppose it is necessary.

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--- Just got home about an hour ago. All the tests went OK as far as I know. Tumor shows to be receding in size and they say that as long as it's getting smaller, then it is contained and not spreading also. ---

Great news Don and many thanks for keeping us informed. You have a lot of people including myself who wish good outcomes for you because we think you truly deserve that.

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Well that's great news. Now get some rest. I'm starting to sound like your mother. :Laugh: Get some rest, take it easy, go out to dinner. Geez I gotta get out more.:rotf:






:sign yeah that: Kinda makes you wonder what she is up to don't it???:think::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:


Thats GREAT News Boss.

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