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I'm willing to bet it is the one bolt that holds the shifter on....



Carefully...drill a small hole into the "center" of the bolt....take an easy out and try to remove the bolt.

You could also apply heat the "outer rod" surrounding the bolt (not on the bolt) with a propane torch. This does two things.

One, as the rod gets hot / hotter the molecules in the metal swell in the tube (not the bolt) and relieves some of the compression (or choking) on the bolt threads which will aid in removal..

Just don't over do it because you don't want to heat the molecules in the metal bolt


Second, the heat will also make any Loc-tight that is on the bolt "pliable" again which will aid in the removal of the bolt.


Once you remove the bolt, I would personally would re-tap (called "chase") the threads to ensure they will accept the replacement bolt and that you will have confidence in being able to remove the bolt again in the future..


Good luck..:thumbsup2:

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