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Facebook Question...


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People will always get "ignore" from me, and I tell friends I won't join facebook...too dangerous for letting information out etc. Too easy for someone to get into your site, and they could ruin your life, has happened to people here. No thank you!!!!

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I don't have a Facebook account cause I don't gots no friends.. Exceptin BOOMER CPO, but he don't talk to be no more!





Ya well....I thought maybe we was friends but,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?



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Same here Annie. I'm the only one of my entire family that hasn't signed up. I hear people talking about people requesting "friendship" all the time and they are afraid of hurting someones feelings if they decline. I figure as long as I don't sign up, I don't have to worry about it.

Besides, I spend too much time on this site to invest in another one too. I'd never get anything done.

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You only put in the info you want people to see. So no need to worry about some one getting your info. As for friends I only friend people I know, like high school friends and the people I go to college with. Then I just block all the game stuff and the "join my cause" stuff. It's a lot of fun talk to people I haven't seen sence grade school and what they are doing now... you can always delete your profile

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On facebook, when you unfriend someone, you just disappear from their friend list. If someone sends you a friend request and you ignore it, you are listed on their page as awaiting friend request. They have no way to take back the invitation, so it just sits there. If you don't want to accept, click on their name so you go to their profile page. At the bottom left is a link to report/block the person. If you block them, the friend request goes away so it is not sitting on their page. Of course it also blocks them from finding you in a facebook search as well.

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Guest tx2sturgis

Answer A: What the heck is Facebook?


Answer B: Facebook sux.


Answer C: Who cares?


Answer D: All of the above.



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