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Corpal Tunnel ??? or WHAT?


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I got the 89 out for a few miles yesterday thanks to Yammer Dan getting my attention off all the work stacking up.Anyway that Barnette clutch spring kit makes for a harder clutch lever pull but it grabs like a pitt bull. It's been over a year since I had it out and I have noticed some changes in my old body since then.


My left elbow joint pain kicked in and I had to wait a minute or so before I could work the clutch. After about 75 miles of riding my left hand spasmed to the point my fingers wedged and I could not close my fist until the pain resided. The scoot ran great but I sure could use some grease on the old joints.

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My left elbow joint pain kicked in and I had to wait a minute or so before I could work the clutch. After about 75 miles of riding my left hand spasmed to the point my fingers wedged and I could not close my fist until the pain resided. The scoot ran great but I sure could use some grease on the old joints.


It may not be Carpal Dan. There's two areas that can cut off nerve sensation to the hand, and the elbow area is one of them. About where the funny bone is. Sounds like that's what you have.... Carpal is when the tunel thru the wrist bone starts choking off blood and nerves.

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Guest seuadr
It may not be Carpal Dan. There's two areas that can cut off nerve sensation to the hand, and the elbow area is one of them. About where the funny bone is. Sounds like that's what you have.... Carpal is when the tunel thru the wrist bone starts choking off blood and nerves.

carpal generally doesn't cause much by way of pain, at least, with the people i've talked to and my own experence.. just numbness and tingling. sometimes it feels really cold.

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Might want to try some vitamin B6, Potasium, calcium and Gatorade G2.

Wife is a 53 year old wood carver and was really getting to the point that she couldn't hold on to what she was carving because of stiffness,soreness and cramping. Although it will take 3-4 weeks before you notice a difference, its definately a cheap enough and it works...

As with anything, run it past your MD to be on the safe side.


I don't believe its carpal tunnel as your thumb, middle and index finger would fall asleep and sometimes get numb to the point of being painful. Mine occurs when riding a motorcycle(RM 250 Suzuki) or operating machinery that vibrates alot. Luckily I have yet to experience that on the RSMV.

Good luck

Edited by CaptainJoe
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carpal generally doesn't cause much by way of pain, at least, with the people i've talked to and my own experence.. just numbness and tingling. sometimes it feels really cold.


Believe me it can get painfull. In my left hand I'd get ice pick shooting pains up the ring finger into the palm of the hand. Hurt like a SOB... Shooting pains are not that unusual. I've had both wrists done. The right hand last year and the left last Feb. So far everything's back to normal, and that's after my right hand went dead 24/7 for over 6 months.

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Two more options:


Your neck may need adjusting. There is a nerve that runs from the top of your spine/neck, across the back of your shoulder, then down your arms. Mine go dead all the time as the right one damaged in accident, and the left one damaged when surgeons took a muscle out of my back (to put in leg)


The other one could be the nerves in your hands, and be affected by where the pressure is applied when holding grips on handlebars. I use elbow crutches and it creates the same problem. I use QUI nerve protector gloves when riding now....they fix the problem of my hands going numb, or stiff.


Hope this might help

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I'll second Annie's statement. A good chiropractor will also be able to adjust the wrist itself for problems. I also drink "Elation" (Wall Mart, Publix, Rite Aid, etc), seems to work pretty good and you can tell a dif in a week whereas pills take a month. Now if I just remember to buy that stuff:doh:

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