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WooHoo It's Off in Two Weeks

Aussie Annie

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Just back from my appointment with the ortho surgeon, and he said the fixator can come off in two weeks. :dancefool::dancefool::dancefool::dancefool: I'm a happy little camper. :big-grin-emoticon:

Also have referral letter to see orthotics department about making some sort of leg/knee brace.:happy34:

This is gonna be a long two weeks!!:bang head: But hopefully at the end of it I will get to "live" and not merely exist.

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Just back from my appointment with the ortho surgeon, and he said the fixator can come off in two weeks. :dancefool::dancefool::dancefool::dancefool: I'm a happy little camper. :big-grin-emoticon:

Also have referral letter to see orthotics department about making some sort of leg/knee brace.:happy34:

This is gonna be a long two weeks!!:bang head: But hopefully at the end of it I will get to "live" and not merely exist.




I am sure that it was just excrutiating having that thing on this long. But it is almost over, hang in there, two weeks are nothing for tough gal like you.

Look out Quickstep she is on the mend and she will be back to her o'l self in no time at all.

Good On Ya!



aka Steve (from North Branch)

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Annie I read this and it started me thinking and I forgot to post!! GREAT NEWS!!


Don't get carried away now and TAKE IT EASY!!! Now we Don't want to hear of any trips to get broken hardware replaced!!! I don't know who could be dumb enough to do anything like that!!!:whistling: GOOD LUCK with it girl. Its about time you had some!!

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Thank you so much everyone :thumbsup2: I can always come in here to have my spirits lifted. :clap2:


Got an early appointment to the orthotics dept. and they are going to have difficulty coming up with something, as the graft I need to protect is just under another damaged area [knee] and having two unstable area's creats a dilemma!! May end up in a full plastic kind of brace the length of the leg :yikes: Then we have problems with sitting, swelling, getting hot etc. So it won't happen in a hurry...and may take a few goes.

I just told them I want to be able to drive the car and RIDE MY BIKE. May have to come home from hospital non-weight bearing and in a splint till they figure it out.

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All the best Annie. You are the poster girl for perserverance, and you should be proud of yourself for having such a positive attitude. Lord knows how us men would of handled just a bit of what you've been through. Again, all my best for you.


PS: Love the scoot ... butterflies are a great touch. I see a little symbolism, Pappilon breaking outa jail, Annie breaking outa those medical contraptions. A sign of things to come.

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Great news Annie, just take it easy until you get your brace right. Sue's knee is back to letting herr ride now. She was anxious to do things before she was ready but it paid off waiting.

Hope it continues to go well for you.

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