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Letter from Great Britain


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Just thought some of you might like to know how things are in Venture land UK. Well the weather the last few days has been fine and sunny with not a cloud in the sky, nor any planes or con trails for that matter! It’s surprising just how many we usually see here in the south-east of Kent (Gatwick and Heathrow traffic mainly). Rather odd then that you only notice they are not there when you think about it. The high altitude volcanic ash cloud that has covered almost all of our area shows itself by spectacular sunsets and all the muck on your car. If you do not wash the ash off every day it transforms into very fine clay eventually becoming like axle grease to get off!

You can also sometimes taste it as acrid along with a sore throat.

The RSV is tucked away safe until this thing blows over, I don’t fancy getting this stuff in my carbs. Amazing how a little old volcano can paralyse a country like this.

Cheers all


PS the above was a bit late getting on to this site. Since then the ash has gone, for the moment......!

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Sad that you have to experience that mess ! Hope things clear for you soon. All we get here are the news coverage photo shots but I did spend some time on Google Earth to see the effects. It must be a mess, make sure you use breathing masks !


Ride easy



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