Midrsv Posted October 14, 2007 Posted October 14, 2007 My wife and I have been vacationing in SW Florida for the last week or so and we have seen hundreds, if not thousands of bikes on the road. Especially this weekend. Of all those bikes I don't think we've seen more than 30 or so riders wearing helmets and most are riding in shorts. I realize that this is a warm climate but I don't see how that makes it safe enough to ride without proper head protection. Having just survived a crash 2 weeks ago, where my helmet clearly saved my life, I am on a crusade to spread the word about the benefit of riding with a helmet. Please ride with one. Dennis
DragonRider Posted October 14, 2007 Posted October 14, 2007 I to have had my noggin saved by a brain bucket as some refer to call it, I dont ride without one, even before helmet laws mandated wearing one, in my younger riding days I thought it was cool to wear a helmet, some people put their comfort ahead of their well being. A friend of mine laid my Z1 down back in the 70's and if he hadnt been wearing my helmet his head would have had the big hole in it instead of my helmet, he had tons of road rash but he lived to tell about it.............:322:
Snarley Bill Posted October 14, 2007 Posted October 14, 2007 no helmet ,a great big stupid.just my two cents.
Orrin Posted October 14, 2007 Posted October 14, 2007 I Am Sure My Life Was Just Saved By My Helmet. I Don't Leave Without It.
Guest KitCarson Posted October 14, 2007 Posted October 14, 2007 My wife and I have been vacationing in SW Florida for the last week or so and we have seen hundreds, if not thousands of bikes on the road. Especially this weekend. Of all those bikes I don't think we've seen more than 30 or so riders wearing helmets and most are riding in shorts. I realize that this is a warm climate but I don't see how that makes it safe enough to ride without proper head protection. Having just survived a crash 2 weeks ago, where my helmet clearly saved my life, I am on a crusade to spread the word about the benefit of riding with a helmet. Please ride with one. DennisHi Ya Dennis: Good to wear a helmet......sure is. You will find that most metric bike riders wear a helmet.......like the venture riders on this site. They are a tad smarter than the Harley Riders. I also see exactly what you have seen.....we see it here in South Carolina also. It seems that a lot of middle aged guys have never had a bike.......and Harley is the great American Tradition........so they go get one.....and it is somehow sac-religious to wear a helmet if you ride a Harley.......it is just tradition....you are supposed to wrap a Do-Rag around your head and away you go. Helmets are great....not only will they save your life......they keep your hair from blowing around and being pulled out, keep the sun off in summer and help keep you warm in winter. Pay attention to the bikes and riders.....it is seldom you well ever see anyone who rides the big tour bikes without a helmet......they are the experienced riders......have already crashed and burned a couple times......... I wear mine.........even to go to the corner store.........thanks Kit
SilvrT Posted October 14, 2007 Posted October 14, 2007 I don't know any different than riding with a helmet. It's always been the law here and I can't recall a time when I saw anyone riding without one. Those who do have nothing in their head to protect anyways so all I can say to them is... PUT A FRIGGIN HELMET ON!
pegscraper Posted October 14, 2007 Posted October 14, 2007 I've heard it said that the only people who don't need to wear a helmet are those whose head is harder than the pavement.
mraf Posted October 14, 2007 Posted October 14, 2007 Been a law here since the beginning of time. NY state has never seen a law or tax that it didn't like. That being said I would have to agree that to not wear one is not a question in my book. To many years riding dirt bikes for me to see what happens when you don't wear one. Also a good rule of thumb for buying a helmet is " If you got a ten dollar head, buy a ten dollar helmet.
royalstarjac Posted October 15, 2007 Posted October 15, 2007 A lot of folks go to a state like Florida and decide to ride w/out a helmet cause they can't do it at home. What many don't realize is if they're hurt in a wreck their insurance may not cover them cause they agree to abide by the laws of their state of residence. A technicality yes but that's how ins. cos. make their living.-Jack
hipshot Posted October 15, 2007 Posted October 15, 2007 just last week, i made a similar statement. it was something about harley riders being indestructible.met a LOT of opposition, here. maybe it was the way i worded it. today, for instance i must have seen 500 riders , going north on hwy 59. they had all been down to south padre island, for the fall rally. 98% of them weren't wearing a helmet, i guess because they were too hung over! just jt
Thom Posted October 15, 2007 Posted October 15, 2007 how many people drown at the beach because they were not wearing a life jacket ? i know of 4 in the last 2 weeks . so we need to make it a law - when you are at the beach or near open water you have to wear a life jacket and if there is not a law because the people voted it out , everybody that wears life jackets can talk about them , call them names , harass them and try to make it a law , lets keep ongoing , flying - everybody that flys anything has to where a parachute , surfing - helmet , life vest , wet suit , hunting - helmet , body armer , steel toe boots , climbing stairs - helmet , eating , smoking - i had a rider b##th me out while he and his wife were liting a cig. about me not wearing a helmet . i saved my life 2 times today , not because i wore my helmet , but because i did not drink a couple of beers when i stopped to eat for lunch and dinner . but most of the riders that were at the places i stopped to eat at were drinking beer but it was ok because they were wearing helmets . i think it should be agents the law to drive a bike or car to any place that serves alcohol . i have been to all 50 states and 117 different countrys and every one had different laws , and i did not get up on a soapbox and tell everybody that they were stupid and unsafe . me or anybody else not wearing a helmet or not , not wearing long pants or leathers or boots as nothing to do with anybody else at all . i cannot hurt anybody by not wearing a helmet but me . in fl. i have to pay a extra 10.00 for my tags , it gos to the EMS because some say it cost more to have a wreck on a m/c and that fee was made before we got rid the helmet law . in fl. to not to wear a helmet i have to carry extra med. insurance [ 327.00 a year ] and i have to be 21 or over . by the way the next time your down here and you see somebody riding with out a helmet and wearing shorts , they might be a cop , fireman or EMS paramedic you would be surprised , the biggest thing i got to say is please stop calling us names and berating us and i will not do the same when i think you are doing something unsafe , swimming without a life jacket , riding in the rain or snow , hunting , flying , 4 wheeling , or having a beer with lunch . thank you , life is a Venture Thom Bagby
TrainMaster Posted October 15, 2007 Posted October 15, 2007 I'm a Michigander living in suburban Chicago since '93. While I firmly believe those who ride should decide, I sure wish everyone would decide to wear a helmet. Ken
DragonRider Posted October 15, 2007 Posted October 15, 2007 Do you know what emergency room techs call people who dont wear helmets....................... V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V ORGAN DONORS.....:322::322:
Thom Posted October 15, 2007 Posted October 15, 2007 i just made a call to a EMS friend of mine , she said that is what they call all m/c riders
hipshot Posted October 15, 2007 Posted October 15, 2007 how many people drown at the beach because they were not wearing a life jacket ? i know of 4 in the last 2 weeks . so we need to make it a law - when you are at the beach or near open water you have to wear a life jacket and if there is not a law because the people voted it out , everybody that wears life jackets can talk about them , call them names , harass them and try to make it a law , lets keep ongoing , flying - everybody that flys anything has to where a parachute , surfing - helmet , life vest , wet suit , hunting - helmet , body armer , steel toe boots , climbing stairs - helmet , eating , smoking - i had a rider b##th me out while he and his wife were liting a cig. about me not wearing a helmet . i saved my life 2 times today , not because i wore my helmet , but because i did not drink a couple of beers when i stopped to eat for lunch and dinner . but most of the riders that were at the places i stopped to eat at were drinking beer but it was ok because they were wearing helmets . i think it should be agents the law to drive a bike or car to any place that serves alcohol . i have been to all 50 states and 117 different countrys and every one had different laws , and i did not get up on a soapbox and tell everybody that they were stupid and unsafe . me or anybody else not wearing a helmet or not , not wearing long pants or leathers or boots as nothing to do with anybody else at all . i cannot hurt anybody by not wearing a helmet but me . in fl. i have to pay a extra 10.00 for my tags , it gos to the EMS because some say it cost more to have a wreck on a m/c and that fee was made before we got rid the helmet law . in fl. to not to wear a helmet i have to carry extra med. insurance [ 327.00 a year ] and i have to be 21 or over . by the way the next time your down here and you see somebody riding with out a helmet and wearing shorts , they might be a cop , fireman or EMS paramedic you would be surprised , the biggest thing i got to say is please stop calling us names and berating us and i will not do the same when i think you are doing something unsafe , swimming without a life jacket , riding in the rain or snow , hunting , flying , 4 wheeling , or having a beer with lunch . thank you , life is a Venture Thom Bagby point well made, and point well taken, thom. sorry to have offended you. just jt
wizard Posted October 15, 2007 Posted October 15, 2007 When Robin and I crossed the river into Arizona, the first thing off were the helmets. We spent 3 wonderful days riding helmet free. It was really nice to be able to just toss a leg over the bike and just ride off. The helmets did not go back on till we rode back into Laughlin where the tempatures were in the 100's. I guess that most that started riding after the helmet laws were past will never understand or know just how it feels. Leonard
eagleeye Posted October 15, 2007 Posted October 15, 2007 I'm with Thom. Preach to someone who wants to hear it. I'll do what ever I want, and sure as hell don't need a preacher telling me what to do.. Steve
Eugene Posted October 15, 2007 Posted October 15, 2007 Lots of good points..... I started riding later in life and since helmet usage is mandatory - I just got in the habit and don't think about it. I put mine on even if I'm just moving the bike to wash it!!! However - since I spend winters in Texas - I have been tempted to ride without one just to try it - won't do it because of habit - but it sure is tempting!! Luckily, the folks I sometimes ride with ALL wear theirs.
muffinman Posted October 15, 2007 Posted October 15, 2007 I too believe that it should be up to the rider over the age of 21. There has been many times that I was riding back to Savannah that I put my helmet back on due to the way the cagers on I 95 were driving. And yes Lewis I put it back on while I was riding but the fact is No One should have the right to tell me what to do on my own time unless I am sleeping with them. Jeff
cowpuc Posted October 15, 2007 Posted October 15, 2007 We freedom riders in Michingan have had the repeal of our helmet law in front of our Jenny, our Gov, a couple different times now and she has decided to veto it everytime (its headed to her desk again).. Funny thing though,, she has no problem accepting her homelands garbage into our state and polluting the nations biggest supply of fresh water so I doubt her big concern has anything to do with people,,,, maybe more to do with who owns her (insurance companies).. Concerning the idea of 21 year olds on up idea.. So a young man/woman can CHOOSE to fight and die for our country but are not mature enough to CHOOSE whether or not they want to put a stupid helmet on.. I think we REALLY need to re-evaluate the loss of our personal freedoms, especially things that hurt no one but the person making the choice!! I think wayyyyyyyy before any politician makes any laws forbidding choice in matters like wearing a helmet that ALL of the bars in the country should be shut down, laws passed that you will NEVER drive again if you get caught with ANY amount of alchohol in your system while driving, all smoking should be banned (second hand smoke DOES kill) and the like.. Sounds stupid doesnt it??????????? Think about it folks,, how much more stupid are things like helmet and seatbelt laws??? Wear a helmet?? Heck yes BUT ONLY WHEN I CHOOSE TO - not because Jenny Granholm says I have to!!!! I want my FREEDOM back!!! Cowpuc
SilvrT Posted October 15, 2007 Posted October 15, 2007 point well made, and point well taken, thom. sorry to have offended you. just jt yes, thom is right... let's not put down those folks who choose not to protect themselves from the dangers of living for it is only those people who will suffer the consequences... or is it? unfortunately, thom has a valid point when put into his perspective.
SilvrT Posted October 15, 2007 Posted October 15, 2007 :witch_brew: I'm curious how many of you that are against helmet laws or the wearing of them have or do work in some kind of industrial environment where it is mandatory to wear a hard hat? Do you have the same opinion about wearing those hard hats? The fact is that the wearing of hard hats and the wearing of helmets SAVES LIVES and PREVENTS SERIOUS HEAD INJURIES and in so doing saves all of us from FOOTING THE BILL to look after you when you are all screwed up after a serious head injury. That costs all of us in one way or another. hey, just stirring the pot here but that's a fact.
Sasha Posted October 15, 2007 Posted October 15, 2007 I use my helmet, just because I am looking better with. I think it is more danger to brake a neck . And I use a helmet for skiing , because much warmer with. + I have a helmet for sale for RSV 99 (two tons -burgundy and gray) very low price call me 847-815-2258
pegscraper Posted October 15, 2007 Posted October 15, 2007 Wow, I'd sure like to see this kind of outrage against seat belt laws and the related propaganda and agendas.
Orrin Posted October 15, 2007 Posted October 15, 2007 I Am In The Habit Of Wearing My Helmet All Of The Time. I Am Not Going To Tell Others They Have To, But I Would Like It If They Did. I Don't Think That Passing Mandatory Safety Regulations Is Taking Away Anyones Rights. It Also Saves The Rest Of Us From Paying The Bills Of Those That Are Willing To Take Unnecessary Risks. I Am Talking About More Than Just Helmets. I Am Sure All Of You Can Think Of Valid Examples, Yes Even Those That Don't Want To Wear A Helmet. O C
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