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Finally finally finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jus Monkeyin Around

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...dem bunch of whussy traitors, eh? On the great seal of Michigan one can read, "E pluribus unum", or "From many, (to) one"...I guess they're living up to the motto.


So I say, no worries, let'em go; a few more fly the coop and we'll plant the maple leaf there and make it the 11th province. Maybe I'll study up on the some facts and run for Governor. Seeing the first question on the state quiz makes me think it shouldn't be that difficult to impress Michiganders with my intelligence...LOL, ROFLMAO!




And takin the Browner around Huron without havin to go through customs outta be a nice day's ride. And by injecting some good ole Canadian economic policy into the land of wolverines we should have things running prosperously again in no time.


Afterthought...this post was in no way intended to slight the fine residents of Michigan...:crackup:...maybe it's just the Michiganites movin to Texas who didn't get the first quiz question correct.




Our Governor was born in VANCOUVER BC. Maybe that's where it all went wrong. :doh:

Edited by KarlS
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Dave that quiz sucks. As far as Canada taking over Michigan don't stop there take New York too. NY is going to start to tax the air we breath petty soon. The weather here has been great this month so the wife goes to register the bike for the year. She gets all the paper work done and the DMV lady says that will be $14.00 for this month and $17.50 for the next years registration when you come in next month to re-register. Not a big increase but a increase never the less. Wife says why not just charge us the $17.50 now with a prorated charge for the 1 more month. Lady says no, we can't do that it is to small of a amount to pro rate. BS. Lord, the older I get the more I can't wait to get out of this TAX STATE. Don't know when or how but move over some day southerners because if I still have two nickels left {don't tell NY} we're outta here!

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Guest Swifty
Dave that quiz sucks. As far as Canada taking over Michigan don't stop there take New York too. NY is going to start to tax the air we breath petty soon.



I figure ya just gotta luv a guy like MRAF who appreciates some good white noise...like...uhhh...this...:2cents: that those in the know know that taxes are the only way to create communities we all want to live in especially when we/you have a school system raising kids on a system of values based on indulgent individual rights...tragedy of the commons, men, simple as that...but when that kind of noise becomes too loud for some (like me when I ride with beautiful ladies who have loud pipes on their bikes) I flee the source of the noise, or like many who move south...where there's less noise or few(er) in the know...LOL.

Actually, seriously, ignoring me and my diatribes (which most of you do anyways) :smilies6: all the stats show Americans are NOT migrating as much recently. Are there any other demographers out there? I loved those mapping courses in school that showed this kind of stuff.



and a series of articles reasoning why Americans are NOT moving...



and with only 4 more states to go to cover the lower 48 I'm working to make my own personal conclusion of this hypothesis:



all in fun, only in fun,

Swifty, who thinks growing a beard will help compensate for being called a commie luvin fruitcake

(Boomer's wearing off on me)...so I guess there's still hope I can be an American some day.


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:hijacked::goodpost::sign back to topic:


Just a note, left Dave at the Waffle House about an hour ago, he's gonna run thru St. Louis to see the Arch and possibly Wrongway and Snarly if'n he can get ahold of them. He hasn't had a chance to jump online since he left yesterday. After St. Louis he'll probably head out to OKC and then turn left..........

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I figure ya just gotta luv a guy like MRAF who appreciates some good white noise...like...uhhh...this...:2cents:

Actually, seriously, ignoring me and my diatribes (which most of you do anyways) :smilies6:


all in fun, only in fun,

Swifty, who thinks so I guess there's still hope I can be an American some day.



:sign isnt that spec:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:Why?:D

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Dan.. it was very nice meeting up for breakfast this morning. Its always nice to see friendly faces:big-grin-emoticon:



Thanks, it was my pleasure. I was wondering if you were gonna stay there tonight

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You'll never get here now, if you got directions from Allan!!!:whistling::stirthepot: You know how he got his name (Wrongway) don't you?:rotf:


Be safe, and we will see you next month!:rotf::rotf::stirthepot:


Hey Sweetie, I warned him! I was able to direct him to St. Charles though, maybe I'm getting better.

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The monkey man made it to the house last night just before midnight. He called me and I unlocked the door, let him in, welcomed him to his new home and went right back to bed. He and Lonna will be taking care of getting him set up and whatnot.

Dan and Allan, thanks again for the hospitality to him :thumbsup2:

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WOW....the Squid Boy and the Monkey Boy both in the land of my youth. What a sad society that would allow such a thing to happen. I had never given up the idea of moving back to my place of birth someday, the proud LONE STAR STATE...I don't know now though...I just don't know........ :confused24:

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WOW....the Squid Boy and the Monkey Boy both in the land of my youth. What a sad society that would allow such a thing to happen. I had never given up the idea of moving back to my place of birth someday, the proud LONE STAR STATE...I don't know now though...I just don't know........ :confused24:



Look at it this way boss,

Texas is full of Squids, Monkeys, a Goose, Redneck(s)?, and other assorted characters. What's one more Freebird going to hurt?


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WOW....the Squid Boy and the Monkey Boy both in the land of my youth. What a sad society that would allow such a thing to happen. I had never given up the idea of moving back to my place of birth someday, the proud LONE STAR STATE...I don't know now though...I just don't know........ :confused24:



Well they let you stay in Ohio, guess they felt sorry for Eileen, poor poor gal


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