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Virginia Meet & Eat check-in


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I'm home safe but nursing a sore foot.

Went to pull over into the right hand lane from a dead stop at a stoplight , when all of a sudden the car behind me in the right hand lane that was taking the right hand entrance to rt 68, CHANGED HIS MIND at about 30 mph. I turned hard to the left to keep from being rear-ended and did a slight left foot toe touch to keep my balance. Well, that wasn't good, my toe and heel went under the crash bar folded the foot and after the pain let up went numb. I figured I broke it so I just rode on to Sandyville about 180 miles. Figured they could fix it as well as the Cumberland Drs. Anyway, when I got home there was just slight swelling and minimum pain. If that crash bar had been one inch lower or my foot one inch longer I would have definately broke it(8 1/2 shoes). Its a little sore now but not broke.


1. I will before making any lane changes, make sure i am at the same speed as those coming up behind me regardless if they are two lanes over.

2. I''m keeping my feet on the floorboards! (if I have to glue em there):Venture:


It was 36 yesterday morning in Caledonia,Pa.

It was 48 in Cumberland, Md when I left yesterday at 2 pm(probably why my foot didn't swell to bad)

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