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GAMECOCK Update 4/7/10


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went for my 1st post op today...doc says everything looks good and is mending correctly. took some new x-rays and it was a nasty break in my forearm, but i got a nice new piece of chrome holding it together...now i wait on the bill. i still have a brace on my left elbow to keep it in socket, and one on my right wrist doing the same.


all in all i am doing pretty well and thank each of you for your continued prayers and support.


can't wait for the VA M&E on April 17th!!!




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glad to hear you are mending well. Guess we will finally get to meet face to face so to speak next weekend. Baring anyting out of our control.



As always heal well and godspeed in the process to you and all involved. And lets not forget the young lady whpo caused the accident. Wright or wrong she ( if she nhas a heart) probably has a lot of guilt on her young shoulders too.




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humor makes life worth living....i find humor in just about everything and it keeps me going.


dad is doing better and seems to be getting in better spirits. leaving him on friday for virginia will be tough. we have had some great bonding time over the past 2 weeks, even given the circumstances. he is my best friend and i cherish every minute with him.


as for the girl who hit me, i pray for her everyday. i probably know the reason why she hasn't, but a phone call to check on us would mean the world. no ill will from me, but i do hope she has learned something from this.


i'm still kicking and will continue for a long time.


just don't think less of me if i shed a tear on the 17th when ya'll pull out on your bikes. i will want to go with ya'll more than you will ever know!


GOD Bless and ride safe!



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i probably know the reason why she hasn't, but a phone call to check on us would mean the world. no ill will from me, but i do hope she has learned something from this.


When I got in my accident I wanted to call the person and see how they were feeling but was advised not too. Still not sure as I thought it was the right thing to do.


Glad to hear you all are doing better.



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as for the girl who hit me, i pray for her everyday. i probably know the reason why she hasn't, but a phone call to check on us would mean the world. no ill will from me, but i do hope she has learned something from this.





Yep, its those lawyers.


Glad to see your in such great spirits. Good humor will help make the process easier to take. Heal well and soon. :smile5:

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just don't think less of me if i shed a tear on the 17th when ya'll pull out on your bikes. i will want to go with ya'll more than you will ever know!


Good to see you improving. Looking at your comment above, kind of makes ya wish the movie Brainstorm (Christopher Walken & Natalie Wood) was real doesn't it? Talk about living vicariously!


Keep up the good work, you'll be back in the saddle before you know it.:thumbsup2:

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NOthing makes a night better before signing off to meet a new day for me.


Yep, I know that will be painful to watch em all ride out and leave you behind for YOU, and the WHOLE GANG. But the time will come when they MAY have a hard time keeping up with you.


And as a Dad/Grandpa, I appreciate your bonding with your Dad. I am praying for all of you, and hoping your Dad will ride again.


Best to all.



Ft Collins, CO


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A big THUMBS UP on your perspective on all to do with the accident and the situation with your Dad. I lost my Dad 8+ years ago, closely followed by my Mom and I understand totally your concerns about leaving him behind. Just make the very best of every moment and be sure to tell him you love him...a:bighug: few words that go across eons of time and space!!!


Best of everything in your rehabilitation as the new Bionic Man!



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had my first bad afternoon today. having all of my independence taken away has finally caught up to me. i am doing all i can to stay positive and i know i will overcome this small bout of depression.


also went from 130 am to 830 pm without any pain medicine. it hit me like a brick wall though, i dont think i am ready to fight the pain on my own yet. the nerve damage in my hand is worse than anything. it feels like someone cutting my fingers with a dull steak knife.


okay i'll stop complaining, i know others have it much worse than i do. i promise to be more upbeat tomorrow.


on a side note, my wife has a 5 year old cousin who found out this weekend he has a massive brain tumor. his name is Jameson, please pray for the little guy, he needs it very much. the outlook is very bleak, but the good Lord saved me and can do the same for him. please lift him up!!


thanks for your support.



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I hope your cousin comes through ok. On a side note, please look into Duke university for his care. they took care of my father and my aint when they had brain tumors. They are the best and ranked #1 in the world. The head doc there is a terrific guy, and really takes the time to answer your concerns. He gave my father 5 good years, whereas all the other docs gave hime 6 months. God bless.

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I hope your cousin comes through ok. On a side note, please look into Duke university for his care. they took care of my father and my aint when they had brain tumors. They are the best and ranked #1 in the world. The head doc there is a terrific guy, and really takes the time to answer your concerns. He gave my father 5 good years, whereas all the other docs gave hime 6 months. God bless.



he heads to Johns Hopkins on Monday. Thanks for the support.




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