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I have removed the rear suspension linkage including the shock from a spare frame and from my "I hope to ride some day soon" bike. Here are the questions:


1) Please help me find the posts about putting a grease nipple on them!:doh:


2) Between both shocks if they are both working , which one is better.:confused24:


3) OK stupid question: How much play is too much play!!bang%20head.gif:rotfl:


I have attached some pics for your viewing pleasure

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Below is a thread that also references the main thread about the grease zerts for the rear arms.




I would much rather use the shock with the spring on it. The other shock was only used on the 83 models I think.


Where is the play at you are referring to?


Basically, any play in any of the rear end is not a good thing though.



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Auto Zone, Advance, O'Rielys should all have them. Also Home Depot or Lowes


I think they are a 1/4-28 thread.


You might consider putting angled ones on the very front set of bushings. The write up in the Tech section only shows 5 bushings. I put six in mine. They are a tight fit to get a grease gun on with straight fittings. Angle them towards the rear.


On the front set of bushings I put one in the center of each fiber bushing.


I also drilled a 1/8" hole through both sides of the metal sleeve that rides inside of the bushing to allow the grease to flow into the area inside the metal sleeve. This is the wearing surface and it's the area the grease is needed. The hole in the metal sleeve was drilled at the same point that the fiber bushing is drilled.


I then took a dremel tool with a small cutoff blade and made a small groove all around the fiber bushing at the point where the grease zert comes into it.


This allows the grease to flow around the fiber bushing and pass through the hole I drilled in the metal sleeve.



Edited by dingy
fxed thread size on zerts
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Is there any one in Ottawa that can recommend a place to bring the bike to be safetied. My first bike I brought to Gear Heads in Kanata and they used a hammer to remove the front and rear axle. Nice move ah! I flipped on them!!!!!

:bang head:



One place in the east end told me to be careful of their service department! Great!! So, any suggestions would be appreciated.

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