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I love Lazarus threads!


I don't get so many tailgaters. Around here, it's getting cut off or pushed out of your lane on the freeway. Usually by a young girl texting or a septuagenarian that can't see over the steering wheel.


Last week I had another biker show a complete lack of etiquette. I ride just left of center, mostly. A older guy an a brand new $20,000.00+ Harley squeezed up beside me at a red light and took off to get in front of me when it went green. He then rode at 10mph below the speed limit until I could get around him. At the next light he pulled up beside me again, gave me a cordial nod and smile before making a right turn.


Now the turn I can excuse. I'd never do that with a stranger but, No harm No foul. Passing me at an intersection to ride slow in front of me?? WTH?


I always assume every driver out there is both blind and stupid. I've rarely been disappointed. I used to ride home every afternoon on I 275 thru St Pete, speed limits at that time were more of a suggestion, often traffice rolled thru at 80+ mph. I always look ahead and move lanes early so I don't have to zip around some slowpoke, and also check the mirrors so somebody doesn't slip around me a little too close.


One day i was almost to my exit (actualy in the ramp only lane) this guy zooms up behind me and starts going crazy. I mean right on my fender by like two feet. lights flashing and some kind of hand gesture going on. I usually exit extreme right but the ramp splits half way down so there is a North bound ramp and a southbound ramp, i get almost to the end of the split ( di-angle white lines, lots of gravel then the big ass water can crash barrier) and I dash right hard!! I here squeal of brakes and this guy does a back up and comes after me again! I bang some gears ( i was riding the 86 at the time) bring the front end up about 2 inches and hit the century mark on the ramp. I hit the street turn hard and go right into the PUBLIX parking lot and stop in the lane right in front of the windows. This bone head finds me and pulls up with a lurch. He gets out of the car ( i'm getting ready to go fist city) The first word out of his mouth is "I'm so Sorry". I was floored, evidently he felt that he had cut me off like seven miles ago and felt bad and was trying to apologize on the highway.


You just never know....

  CMIKE said:
1/4 " nuts do wonders for tailgators. I keep a couple handy in my vest pocket...if a guy determined to ride my butt so close I cannot see his head lights...after all else fails...drop them one at a time on the road...or thumb them up over your head. They will get the message and back off or pass. It seems like rocks tossed up by the bike.


I feel my life is endangered by them following to close. That is grounds for self defense.

Dang if he had of been on a Harley he could of left an oil slick or pelted him with rattled off motorcycle parts.

  Solodadof2 said:
Guys I have walked the same path, have had the same frustration, and am not afraid to be confrontational. But you do not know how these guy will react, some just pass or back off, but someday you will hit that road raged, had a bad day at work, old lady left him with nothing guys that bang zoom you are history. So you throw one of those bolts it hits the window and the drive over reacts not worth it. pull over, pull into a gas station.


Now as a whole motorcyclist are not doing well for our cause ex: last year 80% of the fatalities in Illinois motorcycle accidents were not wearing a helmet. Cannot tell you how many times I have seen a biker in this area with a young child on the back that cannot touch the footrest. How many times I go by a bar that is full of Biker's( that is not just Harleys). Goldwing guys around here ride with a baseball cap, shorts, sandels, and sometimes no shirt. I always wear a helmet but just as guilty as the next guy for not wearing a jacket.


There is never enough lighting period. Turn signal conversions, let brake light, saddlebag guard rail lights. Horns in light of recent accidents the group I ride with are going to be talking about at least the tail gunner wearing a High Visibilty vest.


I have been criticized bye Harley guys for wearing shorts and a T shirt but they weren't wearing a helmet I call them organ donors I will not tell anyone what to wear but if it weren't for my helmet I would not be here, I can live with road rash but not my grape crushed in.


It's just not worth it to try to berate or educate them. The best thing is to get out of their way as best you can and let'em go by. Turn off if you need to. If they're good people, they'll recognize the mistake on their own and try to learn from it. If they're not good people they won't care, and if you try to yell at them, anger usually gets more anger. Could even be dangerous.

Trying to prove you're the bigger badass to someone you don't know is stupid....maybe even dangerous.

Whether it's after such an incident on a bike, ...or an argument with wife / family / friends / fellow employees or boss, it's best to grit your teeth, and if you can't smile and reply with courtesy, kindness and grace, then don't say anything. That is where true strength is shown.

Life's too short to spend any more time than your nature requires being angry.


Took me a lot of years to realize that, but it's working pretty good for me now.


Just wish I was better at dealing with my anger over politics.......That'll still get me goin'.:nanner:


Posted (edited)
  davecb said:
Just take your pistol out of your trunk, tuck it in your waistband, walk up to him and ask him if he has a problem. Then I bet he will never do that to anyone on a bike again....

better yet i just let my jacket "ride" up a bit, if you cant see my little buddy on my hip your even dumber than i thought :)


now with that being said you cannot use a firearm to intimidate anyone. i carry concealed legally and am a certified instructor. we cover brandishing during the law portion of the class.


it is only for self defense meeting 2 criteria, i feel threatened with imminent death or grave bodily harm.


tailgating doesnt cover these :) so i guess we are back to nipples

Edited by tntviper1

I thought the "stand your ground" law means all they need is to "feel threatened".

If a ticked off biker with a gun comes up to a car in a menacing manner someone might feel threatened.


You're dead.

even if they get prosecuted...you're still dead.


or...what if they see your gun and pull one themselves?

too many idiots in the world...just pull over and let them pass

  Trader said:
I thought the "stand your ground" law means all they need is to "feel threatened".

If a ticked off biker with a gun comes up to a car in a menacing manner someone might feel threatened.


You're dead.

even if they get prosecuted...you're still dead.


or...what if they see your gun and pull one themselves?

too many idiots in the world...just pull over and let them pass


i didnt mean to hi jack the thread,


stand your ground is a slippery slope, what i was told during certification, by a lawyer was this. "when asked why you felt the need to use deadly force", your reply should be " i felt in danger of imminent death or grave bodily harm" then ask for a lawyer.


now every scenario is different and this is one reason i never OC, i dont want someone seeing me as a threat and get shot


now please return to the normal bad crappy driver bashing in this thread :)


I think the poster who said (aggression gets aggression) or something like that, is correct. Have you noticed that "bad" drivers with "the attitude" when challenged either verbally or with some kind of gesture (not necessarily that one!) nearly always get aggressive, you get the finger, or they roar off to show how "manly" they are, etc. One very rarely gets a polite "sorry" wave (but it does happen)

Not long ago I had a "didn't see you" incident, my loud horn & look of disgust as I stopped about 2 ft from her car said it all (to the lady driver).

She was so shocked, embarrassed, very apologetic & nice that I really found it hard to be angry at her. She definitely realized that she was in the wrong & what the consequences could have been. So... hopefully she, in future, will also be more aware of bikes.


what i found work's in the right situation is glass marbles, just toss'em in the air go'in down the road, marbles shatter as the windshield shatters, no evidence if they call the leo. just an opinion. only ever had to do it once, no consequences. worked, idiot backed off .

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