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gamecocks got two broken wings


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As already mentioned, what a way to wake us up in the morning with a posting like this..




Happy to hear your able to tell us about it, but really sorry for all of you who were hurt.


Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you on your road to recovery.

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I'm amazed and relieved to see you post now. (thanks sis) and I'm very sorry to hear of all that you, your family and friends had to go through. But I hope you all heal quickly and completely. And get some new rides under you.

You are all in my thoughts.



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Ben ( or someone who can phone contact Ben & give him the # below),


I just talked to your friend, John Zellers in VA. He gave me his cell # 540-717-0611.

I gave him updates from your posts.

You can hear the concern in his voice, he sends his best.

So if you can get Sis to dial him, he sure would like to hear from you.


I don't know if you want to put a contact# here(?).



Mike G in SC

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What an incredible event, glad to hear everyone is "okay".


If/when you and your sis get a chance, could you post any more details about the crash?


"yesterday while out on a ride with my dad brother in law and a friend a young lady felt the need to pass the car in front of her without checking for on coming traffic. with less than 30 yards between us she hit me dead center of my front tire launching me over her nissan maxima. i was going roughly 50 mph her closer to 60. i cant be sure but i would bet she was on her cell phone."


I'm amazed that after impacting head-on at a combined speed of 110 mph, you "only", thankfully, have two broken arms.


I assume you and others were wearing helmets?

Other Protective gear?


Just thinking there's always something to learn after a crash, that might benefit others in some way. Obviously, you had no chance for avoidance at that speed, wow.


Also, phone records of the idiot girl driver should readily reveal if she was chatting at the time of the crash. I see young girls on cell phones, tailgaiting frequently around here, they're horrible drivers.


Congrats on surviving an incredible event and best wishes for a full recovery.

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... for healing, and riding again soon! As well, PRAYERS FOR JUSTICE that this young lady can learn the horror of her error, which is not slighted or reduced by her age at all.


Thanks for posting, and keep in touch with all of us as your forever larger family.



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Mechanic and I have you and your family in our prayers.

Riderduke and I were talking Saturday about SC drivers being even worse than those in the DC area.

Thats because they are! if DC could get up to the SC speed then they might have an edge but the traffic keeps the pace down to mostly a STOP:rotf:



Glad you are posting again!!!!! GET WELL BRO!

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