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One Smelly Biker !


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Almost another incident today that made one smelly Biker , I bet ya ! I was in my P/U fetching BEER24/7 Birthday present when some old biker decided to pull over into my lane . Too explain it better , we were approaching a red light intersection and I was in the right lane , he had one cage in front of him in the left lane , so he figured he would get into the clear lane at which I was in . He forgot that I was on the right side of him and as his shoulder was to my left front tire . He suddenly did an aggressive swerve right and I had to lock up the brakes and also blew the horn to warn him I was there . I honestly cannot tell you that if he jumped high off the saddle or if he grew smelly substance in his britches :scared: . Needless to say I missed him or did he miss me ? So I did not score any points today to say the least , even though he did manage to get in front of me . I followed his for about 7 miles . He was weaving left to right , to the left, to the right in the oust side lane . Then he slowed down and then sped up like old timers do . I watched him carefully and decided maybe I need to get his attention to see if he was OK . We approached another intersection to stop . I rolled down my passenger side window to shout out if he was OK or was he tire . I was prepared to buy the old coot a cup of coffee if needed . But he pulled over into a gas station without answering me , so I think he realized he needed to stop . So I figured he would be OK , so I forwarded onto my Mom's to hide BEER24/7 Birthday present until Wednesday .

What was pretty dang funny was that he has "GRAVE ROBBER" painted on the side of his gas tank . Go Figure !!!!!




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"old timer" "old coot" !?!?!?! If you're lucky you may make it to that stage of life There are those of us that you apparently do not approve of that still enjoy riding. Guess that means we should hang up our chaps?


I'll be 73 next month, am a charter life member of the AMA and still like to ride. I hope you are able to enjoy our "sport" as long as I have.



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Mel ,

You just would have had to be there during this ordeal to understand how and what I meant I guess . You would have most likely would agreed with me if you seen or went through what I did today.

I approve of any age to ride , just ride safely ! If not , stay on the porch and live or let others live another day .



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... you. DON'T EVER let me catch up with you except on two wheels!


Ride, Brother, ride .... and let them follow those of us who have matured to near perfection. (Yup, I DID say NEAR ... perfection).


And I swear I saw the Lord riding ahead of me the other day! Imagine how old he looked?




Jack Z


:fingers-crossed-emo YA, go for the gold! Jz

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