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Wow, What A Storm!!...........

Aussie Annie

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Had the most amazing thunder and hail storm here in Perth, Western Australia. 203million in damage to cars and homes.:yikes: Hail stones as big as golf balls on the north side of town, where the storm hit worst. Some of the damage to cars was unbelievable!! We had no power for a few days, and my daughters' was out for longer.:doh:Part of our national park in town slid down into apartments at the base! They say it was the worst for over 50 years.....hope that we don't get any more.

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Sorry to hear this hope everything turns for the better. We wish this on nobody....Keep us up to date on how things go there...

By the way this sounds just like Okla & TX weather.

Only we live TORANDO ALLEY....And its here already:(

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Wow, that's amazing! We had temps here 2 weeks ago in the 70's F (22C), and last week in the 60's F (18C) and a thunderstorm came through the other day and lightning hit a landmark church in Cleveland and burned it to the ground! I can't remember when I've been able to ride so many miles during March, but looked outside 15 minutes ago and there's a blanket of snow on the ground! WTF?? Stay safe out there!


PS. Annie, I have a friend who lives in the Adelaide area (Crows fan) who has NEVER seen it snow! Quite possibly you haven't either?? I can't imagine...

Edited by McBrush
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Hi McBrush

No wonder your friend in Adelaide has never seen snow. If he's a CROWS fan he must be blind.:dancefool::dancefool::dancefool:


By the way it is a balmy 31 degrees c in Adelaide today, might take the gen 1 out for a spin.



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Hi McBrush

No wonder your friend in Adelaide has never seen snow. If he's a CROWS fan he must be blind.:dancefool::dancefool::dancefool:


By the way it is a balmy 31 degrees c in Adelaide today, might take the gen 1 out for a spin.




Haha, I agree, SHE just doesn't know any better! She says she has seen snow, just never witnessed it falling. I hear Gorge Road is a nice route out of town there.

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