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Moving the TCI


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I have an '89 VR and I've seen many posts telling me to move the TCI from it's mounted location to the top of the air filter box. Well, I've spent the last three days working on this and other mods to come to the conclusion that the TCI won't let the faux cover fit. It's being held off by at least a half inch. I'm wondering if I should cut the TCI mounting tabs off to provide a little more clearance. Any help would be appreciated.

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Yes cut the back tab off so you can push the TCI more forward on the front of the airbox. It is a tight fit but it will work, I have done half a dozen like that. Give me a call if you get to a spot where you need a voice :happy34:

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Well, I cut the tabs off this morning and tried it again. The fit was closer but still not enough to put the cover screw in. Is there an alternate mounting method without sticking it back under the battery? :think:


Any pictures or ideas appreciated.

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After a week of thinking about my cover problem (well, I didn't think too hard) I came to the conclusion that there must be something about the cover causing the interference. The nagging thought that this lid weighed more than the one on the '86 I used to have and the '83 I played with for a while kept surfacing. First thing I did after getting home was look at the bottom of the lid and sure enough, someone had added a quarter inch thick layer of tar coated noise insulation. It had bubbled from years of heating and had separated from the cover in several places. This stuff was as stiff as a board and had caused the TCI to not fit. After removal, the TCI fits snug as a bug on top of the air box.

Thanks David and Brad for all your help!

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what is the purpose for moving the cdi box?? just wondering if i should do so also??:whistling:



It's basically just an ease of maintenance thing. They are in such a lousy spot that if you have issues with them it's way easier to lift the faux cover off and have it right there at your finger tips. Besides being under the battery and a bad spot to get to, any battery malfunction resulting in acid can make it onto and possibly into the TCI...and that really sucks!

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I did it to the 83 and will do it to the 85 now that its apart for painting. Its hard to get at but if it develops a gap, and it will, you will be soooo happy you moved it. Especially if you go through some rain. When the 83 got wet I tried to just run it around the bock. Man did it miss, but, when all cylinders kicked in I almost lost both arms not to mention control.

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