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I'm wondering if there is a SC Venture owner with passenger arm rests installed that would be willing to meet up with me, so I can check out your arm rests? Mainly have my nine year old passenger check them out and see if she can even reach the rests?

I've looked at many variations of passenger arm rests, my dilemma is that they seem to sit way forward of where her arms would comfortably reach, which would defeat the purpose of me funding a set.

The days are warming up and are getting longer, so we could meet pretty much meet up with you anywhere in our state.



That's my point, don't know if they'll work for a nine year old, was hoping to meet up with a Venture who has them already installed, so she could climb back there and see if she can reach them.



Our little girl has been riding with either me or Mom since she was 8. Always had arm rests and they were fine.


I dont thing you want them to lock in place either (po). You want them to swing out so the passenger can get them out of the way if required to step off the bike.


Marilyn went down in Ontario a couple of years ago with our daughter on the back. She locked her front tire in the rain at a slow speed. Daughter swung out that rest and stepped off the bike as if she had done it a million times. No damages besides one scared little girl!


We actually encouraged her to swing the arms in so kind of cross at her mid section, this is in case she falls asleep, it gives some stability from falling off! She falls asleep by the time we get down the street a couple of blocks!!


I'll be in the Myrtle Beach area in mid April for a few weeks

and be glad to have her try out my Diamond R armrests.

Shoot me a private email if interested in meeting up somewhere..



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