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Metal Valve Stem..

Guest seuadr

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Guest seuadr

well, i lucked out while mounting my tires, and i've got metal valve stems.. problem is i can't measure the pressure in the tires because all of my pressure tools don't have long enough depressors to check the pressure.


any ideas?


i'm toying with the idea of seeing if they simply screwed the schrader in too far, or replace the schrader with a longer one, but i'm not positive that'll work.

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I have a 90 degree metal value on my rear Venture. None of mine "good" pressure gauges worked either. I got a good pencil gauge and that works. Take the bike to the auto store and take some outside and try them until you find one that works.



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I too have the 90 degree metal valve stem on the rear . Problem was that it pointed to the KS side of the scoot and made it more difficult to get to without standing the scoot up on a block or on the stand . So I turned the stem 180 degrees to where I can get to it easier . The brake disc did not interfere as much as I thought it would .

My TP gauge is the size of a Hockey puc with the hose on it (forgot what brand) and has a button on the side that keeps the gauge needle at max pressure until I depress the button.



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Guest seuadr

cool, thanks guys. there are actually straight up like a normal valve, so not hard to get at, just deep :p i'll see if i can find something that works, then buy a couple of them :D

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Mine had a 90 degree on the rear of the RSV from the factory. Have not ever had a problem with gauge I ever used. I use a Slime digital that works great. In fact I have several of them...car, truck and bike. Is this some after market super duper stuff you found? If so thanks for the heads up. I need to watch out for that when I change out mine on the rear.

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I've been using this Harbor Freight guage on my tires and it works pretty good. The tip will push down and lock on the stem threads. The '83 doesn't have a right angle on the rear but with a little finagling I can get it on. Once it's on it's a piece of cake... The '91 has the rt.angle, and it's a no-brainer... :thumbsup2:

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