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"Everything is bigger in Texas"

Including the darn stones they use to chip seal the roads. Wow, it's like driving on marbles. I'd forgotten about that since my last trip.


Hate that chip seal even worse than tar snakes.

Scary story. Long ago I was riding on a beautiful summer day. No traffic in sight so I wound up my Yamaha 400 to about 90 mph. It was great until I crested the hill and found the road crew working on the steep downside. They had neglected to post any warning signs. I hit the slope at 90 which was covered with fresh tar snakes that they were just covering with loose sand. Pucker time! I did not dare touch the brakes or twitch the handle bars. I went through at full speed. Since the crew all knew me and they had not put out warning signs nothing was said on either side. I am sure you all have just as scary stories involving road work. One thing I was impressed with was when we went to Wyoming. Through the North Cascades they were working on the road. There were warning signs just for motorcyclists. We never see that up here.

Through the North Cascades they were working on the road. There were warning signs just for motorcyclists. We never see that up here.


I think it was in Georgia, but maybe Northern Florida or Southern SC, they had a sign on the interstate warning Motorcyclists of Crossing Grooves in the pavement.


I was quite impressed with the flashing sign put up by the Sherriff's Dept about 30 miles west of Daytona on a two lane road. It was flashing between "Watch for Bikers" "Look Twice" "Save a Life"


Later, Scooter Bob

Gary, does this mean you are still out on the road travelling from your Las Vegas trip? Or is this now another one?


Yup, still on the road. Working our way back. Has the snow melted yet?....LOL

Yup, still on the road. Working our way back. Has the snow melted yet?....LOL


Almost gone here, just some small banks left. Enjoy the rest of the trip.




Yes as Brad said just a little snow left. The temp is suppose to go up to 10 Celsius this weekend. Of course you know this doesn't mean our winter is over.

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